𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 2- 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵

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I woke up at around 7 am to my "mother" yelling about the weeds outside in her huge garden of fruits,vegetables and sunflowers. I walked into the kitchen to see her ugly witch looking face.

She is my foster mom. I have to call her mother because "I will use the formal way not like the lazy way because if you use the lazy way you will seem like a lazy person." my foster father is pretty chill but when I wanted to join the scouty scout men he just laughed and said "Lia if you want to join the scouts your asking for a fast death with your age and you need to be a housewife Also,you're not that strong." Yes, that hurt my feelings.

"Hi, Lia!"my sister says. She's the only nice one. My sister's name is Heidi. Heidi is very much older than me. She's 17 and I'm 13. I'm not that young my birthday just comes late so yes,I was 9 when Wall Maria fell and they transferred me from Wall Maria to Wall Rose for some unknown reason "Hi Heidi, how are you?" I asked

"I'm great!" Heidi smiled. Unlike me, she was allowed to go to the Scouty Scout men's company. In my opinion I think it's unfair but Heidi is still living here in this rusty cabin with me so I'm happy about that. "Come on, we have to go pick out weeds," she said, side eyeing our mother.


Now we are picking weeds out of mothers garden. I wore a light blue dress with long that reached my ankles

Then Father came out of the house. Watched us for a while then went back in the cabin. Heidi had black hair that went past her shoulders, green eyes and the happiest smile. Father had the black her Heidi received at birth but he had brown eyes and his nose was quite big. He also had a buzz cut. Mother had brown hair and green eyes, and Heidi inherited those green eyes. Mother had many moles on her pale ugly face she also had a witch nose, and crusty lips. "Heidi, Lia!" Mother screeched "Can you go run errands?" "Sure" I replied "grab my hand " Heidi said she kinda acts like a mom to me."fine but I'm 13,I can do it myself " I rolled my eyes playfully. I love her like my own sister. "I know but I can't afford lose you lili, no matter in what way."

she shined her beautiful smile at me. Her nickname for me was lili.my name is pretty short but she comes up with nicknames for everyone.


"Stay here okay I won't be long. " Heidi said and went to get whatever mom wanted. I looked to my left and saw three men.
There scouty scout men!

I stare at them they were laughing. Then one with blonde hair caught me staring. I immediately look away.

Thats great he caught me staring. I'm praying to the God that they don't get the wrong idea.I was staring because I wanna be a scout like them.

"Hey you! Are you Heidi's little sister!?"

One with maroon hair shouted in my direction. I nod slowly looking away.This is the best thing thats happened to me. Instead of being known as a scouty scout person I'm known as my sister's younger sister, great.

Time skip

I was a walking only when I heard a rumble simaliar to the one in wall Maria... I looked back. People running away... No really, again?

I ran to the house I needed to look for Heidi I can't let her be like mama nor papa...

When I got to the cabin... It was crushed. "LIA!" I looked down to my "father" crushed under by his lower waist. "LIA HELP ME PLEASE! I'M YOUR FATHER,YOU MUST HELP ME, WE ARE FAMILY! " he yelled. "Family? You treated me like shit for years... No I'm not helping you, you can burn in hell." I thought to myself. I turned my heel and walked away.I heard him begging for me to come back and help him. I walked the opposite way everyone else was running.What am I going to do now... I've lost everything....my mom,my dad, my foster sister. What is there left for me?There is no hope.

Suddenly I bumped into someone that someone was Heidi... My eyes widen in shock she's not dead! "Lia oh goodness, thank the walls,you're okay! " she hugged me tight. Tears of relief rolled down her cheeks. She pulled away still holding my shoulders. I smiled slightly and wiped her tears lightly.

"Listen to me,run has far as you can don't stop I'll be fine,okay?" she said. I nod and started running.once I stopped running I noticed a blood stain on my dress where my knee was, I must have scraped it some how. I'm so tired. I was catching my breath and I looked around, everything is blury but there seems to be alot of grass and tree around me..Where am I exactly?After that I collapsed and blacked out....

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