𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 6- 𝘌𝘳𝘸𝘪𝘯'𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘰𝘯.

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Today in training was so boring. Levi scolded every single one of us, Hange fawning over Titans was just straight-up bored. Until someone decided to take me out of my misery. "Lia!" I heard someone call for me. It was Erwin walking up to me

"ah, there you are, what's with the stretching?" he asked for those who were confused I was doing splits on the grass because I had nothing else to do
"I'm bored that's why," I said bluntly. "well I was wondering if you wanted to accompany me to a meeting I have since you looked so miserable," he said. I smiled and got up "Yes!" I jumped happily.

"ok then let's go-" Erwin was cut off by me
"hold on give me like 10 minutes to get ready."
"you know Lia you can go with the uniform."
" hell no."

I went to my room and picked up a dress for the meeting thing, I chose a darkish purple dress and put on some white shoes

Curled my hair and went to the doors off the castle
To see Erwin patiently waiting for me down stairs
"Well,well, well, don't you look like a doll?" Erwin said hyping me
"Hehe, thanks Erwin, now let's go!" I said as I heard Erwin chuckled
He got in the carriage first then held out a hand to help me in which I took
Once I got in I noticed my ankle looked a bit swollen... Erwin saw me staring at my ankle and asked "Lia, sweetheart, are you okay?" I replied with "no I'm okay" I covered my ankle with my dress "just fine" I smiled at him I didn't want him to get concerned..

For those who are wondering how my ankle got like this... It's an odd story....

So, second day of training to fight the giant ass babies we call Titans, we were um... Fighting seniors you could say. And by we I me Eren and I. And a just had to fight freaking Oluo. Long story short he was getting cocky, found out I was very light, picked me up, and I fell because I was scared of heights and clawed oluo's arms. Now I officially have beef with Oluo.

We finally get there as Erwin helps me out of the Horse carriage "Easy now, Easy" He said making sure I was patient with my ankle. Once we got there there was a bunch of old hags, I'm dead serious their hair was the color of my shoes-"Hello sirs, I apologize for our late Arrival but I have brought a Companion with me today" Erwin gestured to me. I was a little shocked not gonna lie. "Ah, and who is this Erwin?" One of the 89 year old men said pointing towards me. "Well, Harold". Oh of course this hags name is Harold. " This is Lia Muller, also known has Miyeon Miller's daughter. " whispers began around the room. What was so special about mama? I just waved a little to all these old people.

This is boring! But I mean training is worse... I don't like training... It freaking sucks. Then Erwin pats my back grabbing my attention. "We're going to leave soon, so don't worry, okay?" He whispered. I just nodded. Yay then back to training with Captain, Levi was sooo cranky like an asshole!
Then I heard a man call my name

"You know Lia, you look a lot like your mother"

"I do?" I asked, I don't really think I look like mama, neither papa but I guess I kinda see it. Erwin put his arm in front of me

"I don't think that it is an appropriate time to say such things. " Erwin said  sternly.. Why was he mad? Wait, was that an insult..? I guess I got lost in thought that Erwin started to gently yet frilly grab my arm and lead me out the door... I guess we leaving...


"Erwin?" I asked. He turned to me "yes Lia, you need something?" He said tone softer than before. "I wanna ask... What did that man mean when he said I looked like my mom?" Erwin glanced at me then at the sky. "Why do you ask Lia?" He sounded a bit more... Mad? You can say. "Because you looked a bit pissed, when he said it."

"He just, he envied Miyeon as know as your mother to you so I wasn't going to let him disrespect Miyeon and you in such way." He replied.

"What did my mom do exactly?" I asked genuinely curious

Erwin looked at me held my hand in his and said

"You'll learn soon, but not now. "

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