Chapter 12. All Alone

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Ruby's POV

Today was the first day me and Ryan have really left the house since we got back. I don't know why but we have kinda stuck to Milo and Levi the last few days. 

Something about Milo and Levi brings out a calming nature around us. Oliver has a tense scary aura around him that can put you on edge without even trying. Jake has been busy with Blake so he hasn't been around not like anything he does or says makes us feel calm or relaxed. 

Rory was taken off bed rest and had convinced us to go get ice cream with her for her first outing. 

We made it around fine, since Blake was coming home Dad made us promise to be back home by the time they got back. We all agreed so Milo is driving us all home. We pull up right behind Dad as we all park. 

I see Dad, Oliver, and Jake get out of the car before helping Blake get out of the car. Blake smiles wide and says something that makes Jake roll his eyes. Milo and Levi open our doors. Me and Rory get out first I see Levi help her out. Ryan and Riley climb out of the car after us and we all head inside. 

We make our way inside with Rory talking to Jake about her cotton candy ice cream. 

"Jess we're home!" Dad calls for her. 

"We should go out for dinner tonight to celebrate me coming home," Blake suggests. Dad rolls his eyes. 

"I'm not going out when we have food at home." He scolds him. 

"Why not?" Blake whines. 

"I'm not going to spend money or time on this."

"But we're rich."

"No, we're not rich. I'm rich." Dad points to himself smugly.

"Dad!" Jess screams and runs down the stairs with a piece of paper in her hand. 

"What's wrong?!" Dad and Oliver both instantly ask her. 

"I found him. I found out who it is." She tells us out of breath. 

"What? Who?!" We all shout collectively at her. 

"The money moved so I tracked it." She started to explain. "I hacked into the cameras and watched and I found him." 

"Who?!" Oliver says. 

"I found out where he lives. He moved but I found him. I can't believe it, I found him. I was really starting to doubt it and started thinking that Dad was going to be one of those crazy guys who obsessed over getting the guy who wronged his family. I was worried that he was going to die not knowing-"

"Jessica Magnolia Bertinelli!" Dad shouted. She finally stopped talking and looked at him panting slightly. "Who is it?"

"Bradley Cooper."

"What?" I say. My ex is the reason we got kidnapped and my family was shot at. 

"I don't know why yet but it's him. I matched the security footage to when the account was set up his family was visiting Germany and he set up the account. The account here was set up a few months ago with security to prove it was him. Everything lines up." She tells us. 

"I have to go," I mutter not sure if they even hear me. I leave the group and go up to my room. I shut the door and lean against it. 

I rub my hands down my face and sigh. How could this happen? I lay down on my bed pulling the cover up to my shoulders. 

I close my eyes letting the world drift away. 

Rory's POV

"Can you believe that Bradley is the bad guy?" I ask Zane. I called him after I was sent to my room to rest. 

"No, he hasn't even been in school for a minute." 

"Enough about Bradley how was your day?" I ask him smiling on the phone with him.

"Fine it was a little hard getting down the stairs this morning but I made it work."

"What do you mean? I thought your parents were going to set up the downstairs guest room for you." I say shocked that he had to manage the stairs with his leg injured like that. 

"They were supposed to but they got called on a business trip." He said nonchalantly. 

"When will they be back?" I ask that maybe they only be gone for a day or two and I'm overreacting. 

"I'm not entirely sure. They didn't bother telling me." I can hear the distaste in his voice while he tries to act unbothered. 

"I need to talk to my dad for a second can I call you back?" I ask him sweetly.

"Of course princess." 

"Thank you." I hang up the phone and speed walk down the stairs. I walk to Dad's office I know he is busy but this is important. 

I don't bother knocking but walk in and head straight for him. 

"Dad we need to talk." Dad looks away from his computer and papers towards me. Oliver and Jess are in his office as well but I focus on Dad. 

"What do you need Rory?" He asks obviously stressed. 

"Can Zane stay with us?"

"Absolutely not," Oliver says shaking his head. 

"Why not?" I ask him. 

"Your boyfriend is not coming to stay with us." Now that he says it out loud I should have phrased it better. 

"His parents are out of town and left him alone in his house. Dad, he is really hurt still. Can he please come stay with us just until he is better?" I ask explaining it a little bit better. 

"Rory." He says tilting his head like he is going to say no. 

"Please, Dad. He has no one, he is all on his own." I say pleading with him. 

"Fine, he can stay with us. He is in his only room, you are not allowed in each other rooms unsupervised. He is only staying until he is cleared by a doctor, got it." He finished by pointing at me. 

I nod and smile. 

"Thank you," I yell as I run out of the room. 

I go to my room and call back Zane to tell him the good news. 

"Hey, baby," I say excitedly. 

"What's got you so excited?" He asks me chuckling. 

"You are coming to stay with us for a few days or weeks," I tell him. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I explained to my dad your situation and he agreed. So pack up some stuff and ill head over in like 30 minutes to come and get you." I tell him thinking that I can convince Jake to take me and if not Milo doesn't have much going on in his life. 

"Do I have a choice?" He asks me. 


"See you in 30, princess."

I hang up and start going to collect one of my brothers. 

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