Chapter 22. Ashton's Basement

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Ashton's POV

After I got Riley to sleep I wasn't able to sleep. I held her as she slept watching her. The one time I took my eyes off her tonight she got hurt. She'll never get hurt again. 

Seeing that guy's bloody face wasn't enough for me. Even though Dax helped me out and did a good job at it nothing would ever be enough of a punishment for him. Even if he lived the rest of his miserable life stuck in a dog crate eating only garlic and having to drink sewer water that would be too light. 

I know Mr. Bertinelli will want to deal with himself but I hope he takes my request for him to be delivered to me. I want to deal with him. I want him to feel the pain and fear Riley must have felt. 

The plans I have for him. 

I look back down at Riley to ground me and make sure that I still have her. That she is safe with me. I smile at her and move the hair out of her face. I move her head up and off of me and make my way out from under her. I stay still for a few seconds confirming that she is still asleep before going to the bathroom. 

I grabbed a warm rag and took off Riley's makeup gently. Once that was done I left my room letting her sleep alone for a few minutes. I walk downstairs to find my dad and Andrie talking in hushed tones. They spot me and look up. 

"Ashton, do you have any idea why there is a bloodied young man in my basement?" Dad asked. 

"He attacked Riley," I told him simply knowing he would understand the rest of my thoughts. 

"Do you want help?" Andrei asked me. 

"No." Normally anything mafia-related I stayed away from.  I didn't like violence, but this time it needed to be me. I needed to be able to punish the man who hurt my girl. I walked away from them back up to my room to check on Riley. 

She was still lying asleep on the bed. Happy with my findings I went to my closet and put on different clothes and some shoes, I don't know much about torture but I know my dad has never done it barefoot. 

I checked one more time on Riley kissing her forehead before walking back downstairs. I get down there to see my dad and brother still in the living room they look at me with knowing looks. I look away and walk towards the basement door. The door itself is kept unguarded but has several locks. 

I unlock it and make my way down. We have two guards always down here even when we have no one down here. The only time we use it is when we have a personal vendetta against the person. 

Walking down the stairs I think about what I can do. I've never tortured anyone before or even physically hurt someone. I spoke to a guard about some tools I wanted delivered in a few minutes. 

I walk until the door he is behind is in front of me. I breathe to collect myself before walking inside. I shut the door behind me walking in the guy is tied up to a metal chair. The blood has since dried on his swollen face. 

He looks up at me with fear present but who wouldn't be scared of waking up in someone's basement? 

"Normally my family wants to know your name and all about you." I start to look around waiting for a guard to bring me my tools. "But I don't really care. I have only one question, Why did you touch my girl?" I bend down a little so we can be more eye-level. I want him to look me in the eye while he admits it. 

"She's hot." I can smell the alcohol on his breath. Great so he'll bleed easier. Chuckling I stand up. I walk around him in circles waiting. Finally, a knock on the door draws my attention.

There are three rooms down here. One that we are in, one that holds all types of weapons you could think of and the second is a surveillance room for the properties cameras. 

The guard pushed in a wheeled cart covered by a small sheet. I walk over dismissing him and pulling the sheet off. I look at the guy and decide to grab a small knife first. I walk over and make deep cuts on his forearms. 

The guy whimpers as the cuts bleed down his arm. I walk over to the table to find a metal spike and a torch. I turn the torch on and let it heat up the metal spike. As I do this the guy starts to plead for his life. 

"Please, I'm sorry.  I'll never do it again." He pleads and blubbers. I choose to ignore him as I wait for the spike to get red hot. With it hot I use the tongs to drag it over to him. I press it against his neck holding it while he screams and his skin melts. 

His throat goes raw as he screams. I pull the spike away once it cools down. I heat it up a few more times and press it along his body. His collar bone, the top of his foot, his thigh. Sickened by the smell of burnt flesh I move on. 

I grab a handful of nails and a hammer. I hold one of the nails over his hand and hammer it into his handbone. Nail after nail, scream after scream I continue until all 12 nails are pierced into his hand. 

"Please." He whimpered barely audible. 

"What did you do when my girlfriend was begging? Did you stop?" I shook my head answering the questions myself. He stayed quiet and I continued. I got a potato peeler and pushed it against the skin of his bicep. 

I pulled it down only taking a thin layer. I pull it over and over until a thick layer is gone from his arm. The guy has now passed out. 

Leaving the room while he stays passed out. A guard comes towards me to grab the cart. 

I follow him to the weapons room to find some more options. Walking in I look around to see various weapons and things that could be used as weapons. I grab a modified melon baller and a bottle of bleach. 

I walked back towards the room to see him waking up looking very out of it. I go towards him with the two things. 

"So, I'm feeling very generous right now so I'm gonna give you the option of how you die?" I wait for a response but of course, I don't get any. 

"I can scoop out your eyes and feed you bleach, or I can cut off your dick and let you bleed out," I suggest to him. His eyes pop open when he hears his options and shakes his head. 

"No choice I guess we can do all three," I tell him with fake grief. I sigh and bring the serrated melon baller to his eye. He shakes his head, I hold his head still as I push the melon baller into his right eye socket. He screams as I push it in deeper and scoop it towards me. 

The little muscle that connects the eyeball to the head is hard to cut so I just rip it out as hard as I can. The ye pops out onto the floor and rolls. The guy screams the loudest yet. I ignore him and pop his left one out. 

It too falls onto the floor. 

"None of this would have happened if you kept your eyes to yourself." I shake my head and sigh. "You could keep your eyes and your dick but you made bad decisions." 

I grab a knife and bring it to his crotch. He begs for mercy as I bring it closer to him. I cut a hole in his jeans not wanting to actually touch him. The hole is cut so I bring the knife down onto his dick. I cut the soft tissue off hearing him scream. 

I let him wallow in pain for a few minutes, watching the blood stain his jeans and my floor. After the blood loss weakens him and his screams are now glorified whimpers I open the bottle. 

He makes no move to run away from the weakness of his past hour. 

I push his head back pinching his nose close to force his mouth to gape open. With his mouth wide open I pour in the whole bottle of bleach getting some on my own skin. He swallows most of it. Now we wait. I let him choke on it. 

I walk out of the room and tell the guard to watch him so he doesn't decay in my cells. He nods. 

I go back upstairs to my room shower and change my clothes. I go back and lie down with Riley who clings to me in her sleep. I kiss her lips gently before falling asleep with her in my arms while the guy downstairs dies a miserable death. 

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