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chapter four

𝐀𝐁𝐁𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐆𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆. At least that's what she told herself, because that's how she saw herself.

She hated her body, so, so much, and lately her hatred for her body had begun to extend to hatred for herself as a whole.

Her parents were arguing again. It was just making her feel worse about herself.

She put her phone down on her bed before getting up to shut her bedroom door. It didn't block out her parents voices fully, but it muffled them.

She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror that was leaned against her wall. She walked closer to it.

God she looked fucking horrible.

Her cheeks had small breakouts forming on them, her forehead overly sweaty, and if you stared for longer you'd see the heavy bags weighing under her eyes. Those were just the first things she noticed wrong.

The start of the biggest thing was obvious because of the shorts she was wearing.

She couldn't stop herself from pulling them up to expose her thighs. She gripped the fat with her hands, staring in the mirror. It was like she was a seal with all that blubber. She was so disgusting.

She pulled her shorts down all the way, modeling, trying to find an angle to make her feel better about the way she looked. Not finding one, Abby went to a drawer in her dresser to find her duct tape.

It was heavy duty tape from the hardware store. It didn't become loose because of sweat or peel away because of the friction made by walking. It was the best.

She didn't think twice before wrapping the tape around each of her thighs, starting at the top and making her way to the bottom without leaving any gaps.

It made her legs a little numb, and hurt when she took it off, but she liked the way it made her body look. The mirror made all of it worth it.

She put on her new pair of jeans that her father had bought her, probably a way of apologizing for being the reason their family split apart, and took a picture in the mirror.

She sent it to the MANG group chat consisting of her, Max, Norah, and now Ginny.

The positive responses she got filled her with happiness. She texted that she would wear them tomorrow, to Sophomore Sleepover.

Norah was in favor of it while Max wasn't, she wanted to the group wear pajama pants. But there wasn't any reason for Abby to tape her thighs if pajama pants would make her legs look fat anyways.

So she would not being wearing pajama pants, Max would just have to deal with it.


"So, are you going to Sophomore Sleepover tomorrow?" Paul asked.

He had picked Solange up from school to go to Blue Farm and catch a late lunch. He had his usual
while Solange was eating a tuna fish sandwich, they both were drinking strawberry lemonade.

Solange came up from a sip of her drink. "No. How do you know about Sophomore Sleepover?"

"I'm on the school board."

"Mhm. Cut your crap, just because you're on the board doesn't mean you would remember the exact day it's on. I know you have better things to keep up in that big brain of yours." She tapped her temple with her finger.

"I am babysitting someone, so their mom can go supervise at said sleepover."

It didn't take a genius to figure out who Paul was talking about, he mentioned the woman at least once in every conversation and he had given her a job in his office that she did not qualify for. "Is said someone Austin Miller, and that makes said someone's mom Georgia Miller? You like her Paul, goddamn. Hop on that fast before someone else does."

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