7- My eye on you

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The following day Torch sends a message to Delta:
"Here you are, as promised the ram (big Mariano)

The following day Torch sends a message to Delta:"Here you are, as promised the ram (big Mariano)

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And it's arse

And it's arse

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"Oh mum..... thanks, did you get the souvenirs?" Torch replies
"Yes, I did darling. Miss you"
Days pass Daniel avoids Torch at all costs only talking to her during meetings and work related things. "She's crazy, she carry's a torch around.
She's scared of the dark" Daniel tells people. "Hey Hillary scared yet?" Someone turns the light off in her office "real mature" Torch stands and turns the light back on "I'm not afraid of the fucking dark, stop harassing me or I'll fire you
You don't have the power
Try me" Torch smiles and walks away "shut up, you know she can and she will if you don't stop harassing her."
Torch calls Butch over video call "I want to bash these cunts heads in at work my god they are immature children." Torch says rubbing her temples
"Oh darling, still giving you grief about the torch?
Yes" Torch laughs "they keep turning the light off in my office, like children. I've made note of it and sent it to Rex, plus I've got a lamp in here now so it's right near my desk.
Oh darling you only have a few more days left there till you can come home." Torch and Butch talk another half an hour while Torch eats lunch "has Tracy gone back to New York yet?
Yes, Delta went with her for a month.
Oh good, she missed New York, maybe she should move back there. She'd have our house to stay at.
True she would, look next time they turn the light off why not give them a taste of their own medicine? Scream." Torch smiles "ok I will" Butch hangs up and attends surgery, Torch calls Delta to check up on her and Tracy. People come and go from Torch's office once the day is over Torch goes out for dinner to the local Thai restaurant. Torch eats and takes leftovers for lunch tomorrow. Walking back to the hotel Torch hears Daniel and his work friends walking behind her towards the hotel. "Hey crazy, what would you do with five of us?"

Torch turns around "want to find out how Daniel hurt his head?" Torch pulls out her torch and waves it around "you are not intimidating, I hope you know that" Torch says staring at the men in front of her. Torch gets a text from an unknown number " we are ok, laying low talk soon sister" Torch smiles and walks into the hotel. The guys follow Torch into the elevator. Torch scans her card and pushes 21. "How could she get the best of you she's short and old" Torch laughs "it's not always about strength"
One of the guys approaches Torch "what would you do huh?
Nothing" Torch points to the camera "oh, right" the guy backs off as the doors open "just do it"
Torch walks out holding her bag and the torch walking to her hotel room. One of the guys snatches Torch's briefcase. "Want it?" Torch stands on the spot and smiles " what you want me to chase it like a school girl jumping for her bag? Please"
"Not like you could unlock it anyway, it requires a brain" the other guys laugh "hey it's not funny" Torch steps forward and kicks the guy in the knee. He drops the briefcase "ouch" Torch picks up the briefcase and turns to Daniel
"Leave me alone I'm warning you" Daniel snatches the torch and hits Torch in the head with it. "Ouch"
Torch holds her head and drops her bag. "Not so tough without this are you?"
Torch licks her lips and takes off her coat "don't want to get blood on this" Torch tosses her coat aside and kicks Daniel in the face, turning to kick the other guy in the head. Picking up her briefcase, torch and coat. Torch walks to her hotel door, scans her card and walks inside.
Torch calls HR and reports the five guys "They just attacked me right in the hotel hallway I'm going to get the security footage. They are finished"
Security comes upstairs moments later and knocks on the door " who is it?"
"Hotel security, ma'am are you alright?
I'm fine" Torch opens the door "they have been arrested ma'am you're safe.
Can I have a copy of that for HR? They are finished at my office firm.
Yes ma'am follow us" Torch grabs her key and phone and follows security downstairs. Reception allows Torch to send a copy to her email "thanks, don't worry I'm not going to say anything bad about the hotel. Security is immaculate here, and I don't worry about my safety. I can defend myself as you saw. If you wonder why I carry a torch it's for self defence"
Torch receives the file and sends a copy to HR "thank you, I'm going back to my room now"

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