chapter one 😈🔥🔥

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   Y/N was walking down the side walk when a big Australian dude, with MASSIVE muscles ran up to them.
"YO! Are yuh up to be in one of muh music videos " he said in his thicc Australian accent.
Y/N stuttered and giggled. They knew... They KNEW that this man was Chonny Jash 😝

   "Y-y-y-y-yes-!!" Y/N stuttered cutely.
Chonny wiped his LONG,  THICC, JUICY HAIR from out of his eyes!!
  "See you later... Tomater..." He winks at you and smiles. You hear him smirk, and you giggle.
"Okay.. Jashy poo🥺"
He stops.
"What'd you just call me!"
Y/N stuttered, and took a step back. Watching as chinnys muscles tensed up!
  "J-Jashy... P-p-p-p-poo..." They giggled.
Chonny growled in Australia, and turned to leave.
"See you there, pipsqueak!!!"

End of part one😈😈😈🔥🔥🔥🔥

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