Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty | The Samoan Invasion

Date 📆 July 2023

Two days after the family dinner, Fahayra remained in bed and hadn't spoken a word to anyone. Joe was worried about her. He had never seen her so numb before. It's like her dad triggered something in her.

Joe was determined to get her back to her old herself so he contacted some of his family members to come over and help out with the kids and household chores. Joe's aunt had cooked a traditional Samoan meal for Fahayra that would help her regain her strength.

Joe brought the meal upstairs to Fahayra. He knocked on her bedroom door before entering the room. Fahayra was just sitting bed, staring out the window. She didn't even acknowledge his presence in the room until he sat on the bed with her.

She looked down at the plate and his lap.

"My aunt made it for you. She said it has all the nutrients you need to regain your strength and it's good for babies too," Joe explained to Fahayra as he scooped up some food in a spoon to feed her.

Fahayra stared at Joe and didn't say anything but she opened her mouth to let him feed her. Joe wanted to cry. He couldn't stand seeing her like this and he knew he was responsible for it. He continued to feed her while trying to get her to talk but she didn't talk.

Holt came into the room with a glass of Vaimeleni, a Samoan drink made with watermelon while Fenix carried a vase full of yellow roses. Khalia followed them in to make sure they didn't drop anything.

"These are for you," Khalia said.

Fahayra nods. The kids understood that Fahayra wasn't speaking. They don't know what happened at the dinner but it must have been something big for her not to speak anymore.

"Drink, please," Holt told Fahayra.

Fahayra rubs Holt's face before accepting the drink from him. Holt smiles as he watches her bring the glass to her lips. Fenix places the vase on the nightstand next to her before wrapping his arms around her leg to show her some affection. Fahayra placed a hand on her son's head before he moved away.

"Feel better soon," Fenix told her.

"Come on, boys," Khalia said holding back tears as she walked out of the room, she didn't want to cry in front of her mother.

The boys run out of the room after Khalia while Fahayra holds the glass in her hands as Joe continues to feed her.

"Baby, we need to get you some help," Joe said.

Fahayra closes her mouth not letting Joe continue feeding her.

"Or do you just want some time away from everything? I can pay for you to stay at a resort hotel or wherever you want to go," Joe suggested to her.

Fahayra doesn't say anything but hands him the glass and lies backward on the bed. Joe places the plate and glass on the bedroom bench before moving closer to Fahayra. He takes her hands in his hands. He rubs his thumbs on her hands.

"Please, baby, I need you to tell me what to do to make you happy again, for you to be yourself again," Joe begged her.

Fahayra starts crying. Joe plus her into a tight hug.

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