[2] Surprising Fiancee

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{Phantom Blood}

Warning: Maybe abuse?


The three of us sat in a carriage, the dumping dirt roads making the vehicle shake occasionally. Apollo and I sat nervously waiting for us to get to our destination.

My heart thumped at the thought of who we would meet today. The possibility seemed endless at the moment making anxiety rise in my body. We needed to plan, not play house with some random nobles.

I was snapped out of my thoughts hearing our father start to happily chat away.

"My two beautiful daughters are going to such wonderful boys. Oh, you'll love them! They are quite handsome. Such fine young men for my precious daughters." Our father ranted happily.

I stared at him with a small smile noticing his excited expression. I could practically feel his pure heart radiating off of him. This man was a good father.

"Hm? Are you excited Char-Erm, (Name)?" Father stumbled over his words. I smiled trying my best to put him at ease, along with Apollo.

"Yes very," I said resting a hand over my heart. "I can't wait to meet them." This made my father smile wider.

"That's great!" He clapped his hand making the card stop. "Because we're here!" I watched our father jump out of the cart with us following after. One of the coachmen helped me out as I spotted a familiar-looking mansion.

"It couldn't be?" Apollo said stepping out. "I think it is," I said, spotting a Great Dane with white and black fur running towards us.

I watched our father bend down opening his arms for Danny but the dog passed him by. My eyes widened as Danny jumped into my arms and brought me down to the ground. The dog began to lick my face, happily wagging his tail.

Apollo awed at me and the dog, before bending down to pet Danny. I could from the corner of my eye that our father looked at us dejected that Danny ran past him.

"Ah, are you ok!?" I heard a soft voice call to me. I turned seeing a young Jonathan Joestar ran toward me, he looked at me apologetically.

At that moment, the world slowed. The young Joestar was the most handsome man I ever saw, even as young as he was. His face was soft with boyish features but held the handsomeness of the Joestar bloodline within its bones. The soft kind eyes of a gentleman were staring at me while he ran. His hair was as colorful as the anime's, almost looking unreal.

"Hello?" he asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Ah yes, you have an adorable dog," I said slowly standing to my feet with the help of Jonathan. Danny skipped around me pawing at my dress for pets. "Aw, he is a cutie!!" Apollo squealed.

"I'm still so sorry for Danny, he usually isn't so excitable," Jonathan said his face flushed. I just laughed petting Danny alongside, Jonathan eased my worries strangely enough.

Seeing Jonathan in the flesh was a bit eye-opening, everything started to feel more real as the young man smiled at me. I glanced to my side seeing Apollo swooning like a schoolgirl at Jonathan.

"I see you're already getting to know each other!" Our father said walking back over to me. "Mr. Nightingale, glad to see you again," Jonathan said looking at the older man.

"Jonathan!" I watched the boy jump at his father's voice, George Joestar. The man in question burst out of his mansion, a furious expression across his face. The world slowed again as I spotted familiar golden hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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