The New Student {Part 1}

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Author's Notes : Since it's my first time writing this it's a bit complicated I will edit this later when I have time - July 14th 12:28pm

Aether's POV:
The bright light shines though the window, another morning in Tryvat, "Today I'm transferring to Lumine's school" I murmured to myself. Suddenly Lumine bursted into my room. "wake up Aeth~~" Lumine said with a smile on her face. "Stop bursting into my room like that Lu" I said while glaring at Lumine, I  got off my bed and walked to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth's, "Today is your first day of school!!" Lumine shouted.

When I walked out the bathroom Lumine threw the school uniform in my face, "Oops, Sorry Aeth~~" Lumine chuckled and walked out of my room. "When I am done changing your dead Lu" I said while being squished by the uniform.

After me and Lumine Arrived at the school gates Lumine grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside the school building, when they stopped Lumine turned around and I was no where to be seen. "WHERE ARE YOU AETHER" Lumine shouted on the top of her lungs.

While I got lost and I was running in the halls trying to find Lumine, Suddenly I bumped into someone we both fell, I got up and tried to help the person up but I was push down by some girls, "Can you not see or are your eyes on the back of your head?" One of the girls said "Do you not have eyes? You just bumped in to Xiao" The other girl said, and all the girls around the person started mocking me.

"Stop I was the one that wasn't looking, plus I was in the middle of the hallway" The person said "You must be new here I'm Xiao the famous guitarist" he said, "I'm Aether, Twin of Lumine" I said.

"AETHERRRR!!!!" Lumine said as she ran to me, "oh, hi Xiao" Lumine said while panting for breath.

"What do you need Lu?" I asked, "WHY DID YOU RUN OFF" Lumine shouted, I looked angry and said "you threw me somewhere and I ran to find you but I bumped into Xiao." "oh..." Lumine said with a scared face.

"TIME TO RUN, BYE XIAO!!" Lumine said while running off, "Bye Xiao I have to go and beat her up before she runs away" I run off as well while Xiao was left with the fangirls shocked of what just happened.

Author's Notes : I have no idea why I made it like this 😭 don't blame me
439 words!! ❤️

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