The Dorm Room {Part 2}

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Author's Notes : This kinda contains flirting and sex between Xiao and Aether, (ω)

Xiao's POV:
'Damn he looks good.. WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING IM NOT GAY' I blushed when I thought of that.
The fangirls started to circle around Xiao and asking him "Are you ok?" "Are you having a fever?" It annoyed me.

~Time skip (Lunch)~

Aether's POV:
After I grabbed my lunch from my locker I closed the door, when I turned back to go towards where Lumine is(The Cafeteria), someone suddenly pulled me in a room,

"W-WHO ARE YOU" (He said that because it's dark in the room)
The lights turned on and I was shocked, "X-xiao?" I said in a soft tone, not even after a second thought Xiao suddenly pinned me to the door(The door is closed and locked)

"Wha-What are you d-doing-" Before I  could finish the sentence I suddenly felt a warm thing on my lips..
When I realized that Xiao was kissing me it was too late after a few seconds I pushed away Xiao to catch some breath before saying "W-Why did you d-do that.." he just smirked and said "your lips are soft, since my lips are lonely so I might as well do it again"

I blushed like a tomato and tried to hide my face, but it was too late Xiao pulled in for another kiss. (I want to cry)

How it looks like:

Xiaos left hand held my thigh and his right hand was on my face touching my skin none stop, after a while a moan was heard from me and I pushed Xiao away once again

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Xiaos left hand held my thigh and his right hand was on my face touching my skin none stop, after a while a moan was heard from me and I pushed Xiao away once again

"W-we cannot have s-sex in school!" I  said blushing hard, "We can do it at your dorm tonight though~" Xiao said while smirking again.

~After the classes~

Xiao's POV:
'Why did I do that earlier in the locked room..' 'but I do really want to hear the blonde moan again' I keeps thinking about the stuff that happened, When I saw Aether, I ran towards Aether and whispered "We're going to you're dorm right?~" Aether blushed and answered "y-yes.."

When we got to the dorm it was clean and tidy "you don't mind if we get the bed a bit messy right?~" I said when the blonde blushed hard. "n-no I don't mind.." Aether murmured,

I started to pushed the blonde to the bed and pushing him down on the bed with me on top and him on bottom of me, I started to take off Aether's shirt unbuttoning the buttons on the shirt, staring at the abs on his body, my mouth started to water up, I pulled down his pants revealing his underwear, I smirked and he buried his face in the pillow of shyness, I pressed down his buckle and he moaned a bit loud.

~after a long night~
~in the morning~

Aether's POV:
The bright shine from the windows woke me up I tried to get up but something was hugging me not letting me to, I turned around seeing Xiao.. pulling me back to a cuddle and say "don't go Aether..." he was warm.. I looked at his fluffy hair and started to stroke the fluffy hair, he woke up and yawned and looked at me naked, only just now I remembered what happened yesterday night...

He banged me hard, so that means... I can't walk today.. "Xiao... you banged me hard yesterday now I can't walk.." I said with a sad tone, he looked at me with a shocked face and said "than how do you go to school..." "never mind we're taking the day off" he said while he hugged me murmuring "sorry.."

I looked at him and said "so what are we now after that night?"

Author's Notes: I woke up this morning and I just started writing this while my mind is full of ideas but I don't know how to describe I'll write part 3 today or tomorrow (I'm finally writing to 700 words to be honest I didn't know it would be this hard to write a book of Xiaother and I definitely didn't know it was hard to describe. —July 15th 10:09AM

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