Chapter 14-Be Prepared

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Now that the tables and chairs are back to where they came from... They will go to the counter area immediately to buy themselves the foods that they would like to buy right here at this shop where they will first take a look at the menu in quick time to see what will be the food that they would like to eat right here at this place.

After they choose what will be the food that they're going to eat within this day... She will tell the person at the counter area about the foods that they would like to eat right here at this place. The foods that they would be eating right here is 2 cheeseburgers, 2 large fries, a strawberry milkshake(even thou she and her friend took a drink with that), and a coke.

The cashier is going to calculate everything onto the computer there to determine how much do they need to pay for these items that they're purchasing right here at this place. The total price that they're going to pay right here at this place is going to be $22.7. She will take out her wallet to take out the bills there then, place those on-top of the counter area there for the cashier to begin counting the bills one-by-one on how much did she put there.

To determine the results easily... She will have to use the computer there where she press the number keys at the keyboard there so that the results will be able to appear at the screen in-front of her.

It turns out that she pays the exact amount on the price but, there is a change that she needs to receive to her immediately. She will press the enter button at the keyboard first to make the cash drawer to appear in-front of her where she will put away the bills that the customer just placed there then, take out the change coming at the drawer area there so that she can hand-over those to her for the keeping of that at the coin purse for the coins... the wallet for the bills.

She will take the order number onto her hand where she will bring it straight to the table where they will take themselves a seat there and wait for they're number to be called by the employee at the counter area there.

The employee at the counter will place the order ticket at the ticket holder there where the chefs will take the ticket there so that they will begin preparing the food for the customers to eat that under the said order on the ticket there.

To make the burgers... They will take out the patty onto they're hand before they can place it at the grilling station there where they will start cooking the patty on each side until it's brown where they will flip it immediately to cook the other side of the patty itself.

The total time that they will take to cook the patties is going to be 30 minutes on the clock where each patty's turning into brown side will take about 15 minutes each on the clock. Once the patty is cooked... They will place it on-top of the bun there so that they will apply other kinds of ingredients on-top of the patty there where the sliced solid ones will be placed on-top of the cooked patty immediately while the squeezing things must take the squeezer onto they're hand before they can aim it on-top of the food there so that they can wrap the burger up and place it on-top of the tray there where the customer is going to pick it up if this is the order that they need for that.

The next thing that they're going to cook is the fries where they will take out the paper bag at the storage area there which actually contains the fries itself where they will use the metal scooper to scoop up the fries one-by-one before they can put that onto the fryer there so that they can start cooking it for about 15 seconds on the clock where all they need to do is to wait for that to change the color in a crispy way.

Once those fries are now at the said color... They will place it onto the fries holder immediately so that they can put it on-top of the tray there to get ready for that. The next one that they will make is the milkshake itself. They will put the milk, the cream, and the strawberry syrup on-top of the mixer there before mixing the whole thing with the press of the button. They will keep on doing it until the mixing process is completed where they will place it onto the plastic cup there.

For the making of soda... They will use the soda dispenser there to dispense the soda by pushing a plastic cup there so that the liquid will fill up the cup immediately.

With the filling process is completed... They will place it on-top of the tray there so that the employee at the counter area there will call the number who's ordering that one which is Patricia herself.

She will stand-out of her chair before she can walk straight to the counter area there to pick up the food there so that she can return to the same table where Benny is actually seating there. They will take the food and drinks on based what they wanted to begin consuming that thing until there is nothing left there.

The total time that they're going to take to consume it is going to depend how fast they are eating it... If they are fast in eating it... They will take a short time in eating it but, if they are slow in eating it... They will take a long time to eat it and as for moderate eaters... They will take some time to eat what they have there.

Meanwhile... At the kitchen area... The chefs are busy cooking the patties at the stove there until the fire begins to activate at the stove there which will cause for the other chefs to begin exclaiming with shock where they must find the fire extinguisher around the area so that they will be able to extinguish the fire immediately.

The location of the fire extinguisher is at the north side of the kitchen where they must rush straight immediately so that they will be able to obtain it immediately before heading straight to the fire there to extinguish it immediately.

They're extinguish process is a failure where they must press the fire alarm immediately making all of the people to evacuate immediately by standing themselves out of they're chairs before they can walk straight to the exit area immediately so that they will be safe from the incoming danger there.

After they got out of the building... They must head to the safe zone there where there is no danger around the area.

The fire trucks begins to appear right here so that they will be able to park it right here at this place before they can get-off the vehicle immediately where they will get the hose there to use it to send water to the fire to extinguish that for good.

The total time that they will take to extinguish it is going to be at least 3 hours on the clock. Once the fire is gone... The firefighters will leave this place after telling them that this place needs to be repaired for several days where Patricia and Benny will walk back home with the food onto they're hands since they got it onto they're hands during they're evacuation there.

The total kilometers that they're going to take to get back to the house with the use of they're bikes is going to be 35.7km while the total time that they're going to take to get to that place is going to be 39 minutes on the clock. When they arrive back home... They will pedal themselves at the garage area there where they will get off they're bikes there upon parked before they can get inside the house with the food onto they're hands where they will head to the dining room area to eat the meals what's left onto they're hand until there is nothing left there.

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