8 | disappointments.

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My arms dangle by my sides as I stare at my reflection in the full-length mirror Sam hung on the back of my bedroom door, completely and utterly frustrated by the fact I can no longer fit into any pair of jeans that I own.

I'm sixteen weeks into my pregnancy now and whilst my bump is isn't big by any means, I'm surprised I've still been fitting into all my clothes up until this moment. Although, right now is the worst possible time for me to realise I don't have any decent pants to wear out because Matthew is picking me up to take me bowling any minute now and I'm currently in my underwear.

Over the last couple of weeks he's come around for dinner on the nights I've been staying with Scarlett and I'm beginning to grow more fond of him which is why I agreed to go out this evening and for the first time it will be just the two of us.

Muttering to myself about how unimpressed I am about the fact I'm going to have to wear sweatpants into the city at night, I search through my drawers and take out my comfiest black pair.
I pull them on as well as a maroon hoodie that I stole from Gracie. She's got a good four inches of height on me so it's the perfect amount of oversized to cover up my bump.

Once I've tied up the laces on my converse and pulled out the shortest layers of my hair in front of my black headband, I swing open my bedroom door and find Sam and Ryan beside one another on the living room couch with a glass of wine each.

"First of all, you look like such millennials right now. Second of all, none of my jeans fit anymore and I don't know how I supposed to cope for the next five months without them," I dramatise with a sigh, settling myself between the two of them and putting my feet up on the coffee table.

"They do make maternity jeans, you know?" Ryan informs me, resting a hand on top of my head as his elbow leans on the back of the couch.
I take a slice of pepperoni pizza out of the box in his lap. "Do they come in pink? There's no point in buying any if I can't get them in pink."

"I'm sure they do somewhere," he answers. "Wasn't Matthew meant to be picking you up at six?"
"Yes, but it's only just gone six now, chill out. You'll be rid of me soon and then you can get laid."

"Excuse me, missy," Sam's jaw falls open as he removes the slice of pizza from my hand and takes a bite of it himself, knowing that I will absolutely not have anymore due to my inability to eat food that someone else has already had a bite of. "That is not an appropriate thing for you to say."

I roll my eyes and imitate his low voice, "That is not an appropriate thing for you to say."

The two of them look amused and I once again, take a slice of pizza as I peel myself off the couch with a groan. "Alright kids, I'm gonna go sit in bed whilst I wait. Thanks for letting me complain about my jeans."

With that, I take another bite of food and head back to my room.

"Kenz?" Ryan calls out, prompting me to turn back around just as I reach my door.
"You excited to spend time with Matthew tonight?"

I swallow my pizza and nod, a tight-lipped smile curling upon my mouth. "I'm a little anxious though," I admit, "but at least I know I'll kick ass at bowling."

The three of us share a giggle before I close the door and crawl into bed, leaning my back against the wall it's up against and placing a pillow over my lap.
Naturally, I reach for my phone to pass the time and see that I have two messages. One from Scarlett and the other from an unknown number.
I open Scarlett's first.

I hope you have a nice time with Matthew, babe. Let me know how it goes! xxx

A wide smile curls upon my lips and I bring my knees to my chest as I reply.

I will, and thank you. I love you lots😘

I love you too xxx

I like her message before closing her contact and opening the message from the unknown number.
It reads; 'Hi Kenzie, it's Sienna, Oliver's Mom. I hope you're doing well.
Oliver told me last week about you being pregnant therefore I feel you should know that on Monday he ended up in the hospital after an accidental overdose.'

Before I can bring myself to read the rest of the message, my eyes gloss over with a sheet of water and my breath gets stuck in my throat.

"Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay," I whisper to myself, closing my eyes for a moment before continuing.

'He's okay now,' Oh, thank god, 'but was in rough shape for quite some time and ended up in the ICU overnight. Me and his Dad got him settled into rehab this morning and it will probably be a couple of months that he spends there. I understand the two of you aren't in much, if any contact as of right now and he won't have access to his phone for a while but if there is anything you'd like me to pass on then please don't hesitate to message me. I've told him the same. xo'

Several seconds are spent staring at the message as I try to begin to wrap my head around the news.
Regardless of our history, I would never wish anything bad upon Oliver. He's been a part big of my life in these last six months, and as complicated and as messy as the situation is, he will be for as long as I live. He's the father of my baby.
He almost died.
Our child almost lost a parent.
That's a lot to process.

I'm soon snapped out of my daze when a loud ping is heard from my phone.

Sorry, I'm caught up at work and won't be able to make it tonight.

I purse my lips together as I read the message before locking my phone and throwing it to the end of my bed without so much as liking his message.
I'm royally pissed that he didn't even have to decency to call if he thought he was going to need to stay late.
I knew allowing myself to get my hopes up would be a mistake.

Wiping my eyes with my sleeve, I lay down on my side and rest my head against the pillow that was previously in my lap, my hand tucked under my hoodie and resting over my bump.

"Here's a fact for you little one;" I lower my gaze to my stomach, "majority of the men in this world suck. Sam, Ryan and Marty are the exception. Same goes for your Dad and of course, if you're a boy then you're a part of that exception too."

Soon after I begin to loose track of the amount of time I spend staring at the wall ahead of me but my daze is eventually interrupted by Ryan blocking my view.

"Is he not coming, Kenz?" His voice is calm as he crouches down to be at the level of my face.

A disappointed sigh falls past his lips. "I'm sorry. That's really shitty of him."
"It is really shitty of him," I agree with a sniffle and a sad smile.

"Did you still want to go bowling? Sam and I can take you and you can kick our asses instead."

I meet his gaze and take a few moments to decide. I want nothing more than to stay in bed and stare at my ceiling whilst I cry which is probably a sign that I shouldn't. So, with a hesitant nod I peel my head off the pillow and sit up. "I don't know if I'm going to be great company though."

"You're always great company, kiddo," he says with a smile which I half-heartedly return. "Has anything else happened though, or is it just Matthew?"

I'm quick to wipe away the tears that fall at his question. "Oliver overdosed and ended up in hospital. He okay now though, but it's just a lot to try and process."

With a heavy sigh and saddened expression, Ryan helps me to my feet and embraces me in a hug. "Oh, kid. Rough night, hey?"

Sam and Ryan are slowly healing my own daddy issues 🫶🏼🫶🏼

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