11 | pink or blue.

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The bell for lunch ran at exactly twelve-thirty P.M., and while majority of the students made their way into one of the two cafeterias, I headed down to the principal's office where Scarlett was signing me out for the day.

I have my twenty-week ultrasound in an hour. I finally get to find out the gender of my baby.

The hallway that we had to follow to walk out the front entrance was thankfully fairly quiet.
People are starting to notice and ask questions about what my relation is to Scarlett. Not just kids in school that I've never spoken to before, but the press too. Earlier in the week, Marty sent me an article from the Daily Mail where I was photographed walking down the street to Grindhouse with her last Saturday. 

I'm extremely anxious for the day when someone—like the Daily Mail—says something about my pregnancy.
It's highly likely to happen sometime in the near future so I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for the fact now, but it still makes me extremely uncomfortable to know that people who have zero idea of my past would even think make a comment about me, especially when I have absolutely nothing to do with the entertainment industry whatsoever.

"You excited?" Scarlett questions, the two of us getting into the car and buckling up our seatbelts.
"I am," I answer with a single nod. "What do you think it's going to be? My guess is that it's a girl. I had a dream about it."

She ponders on the thought for a moment as she turns the engine on. "I think it's a boy."

"Really? That's what Ryan and Marty think too. Gracie, Sam and Asha think it's a girl."


The drive to the hospital felt twice as long because of all my anticipation.
It was a routine appointment, but I payed careful attention to my doctor's expression. I have a fear that nags at me that something is going to be wrong anytime I have a check up.

As always though, it was just my anxiety talking and everything was fine.

"Would you like to know the gender, Kenzie?" the doctor questions.

"Can you please write it down in an envelope, is that okay?" I always intended on finding out when it was just Scarlett and I. Not when I have my legs spread open on a chair in front someone who's practically a stranger to me.

It would be nice to have Oliver with us too, but I'm still unsure what role he wants to have in all of this. That's if he even wants one.
We haven't spoken since he was sent to rehab. He has no phone, and while I do have his Mom's number incase I went her to pass on a message, I have absolutely no idea what to say to him.

"Of course, just give me a moment."

Ten minutes later, I was back in the car with Scarlett who held the envelope in her hand. "Do you want to open it or should I?" she asks, excitement lacing her tone.

"You do it. My hands are shaking," I tell her with a nervous giggle.

"Alright." She uses her thumb to tear the seal of the envelope. She pulls the paper out and a wide grin settles on her lips as she brings her shoulders up to her ears and squeals.

"What is it?"

"You're having a girl, babe."

My heart bursts at the news and in a matter of seconds, I'm in a fit of tears. "There's going to be three of us," I say, leaning across the centre console of the car and falling into my Mom's arms. "I get to dress her up in pink."

We both share a giggle at my comment as she wraps her arms around me. Although, I'm quick to grow uncomfortable due to my belly being in the way, so I pull myself away and settle back in my seat.

"What she we do tonight to celebrate?" Scarlett's tone is full of excitement.

"Use your credit card to buy baby stuff."

She laughs.

"Please? There's still so much I have to get. I don't have a changing table, or diapers, or one of the swaddling things that will help her sleep. I want to get little slippers for her too, preferably pink or yellow ones. I'm sure there's a lot more that I can't think of right now..."

"Kenz, we'll get all that. We've got another twenty weeks, it doesn't all have to be done at once," she assures me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Although, we can go do a little bit of shopping now if you'd like, but tonight we are celebrating, okay?"

I take a deep breath and smile. "Okay. With pizza?"
"With pizza," she answers with a single nod."
"And ice cream?"
"Ice cream too."
"Can you please get me a jar of pickles as well?"
She laughs, buckling up her seatbelt and switching the engine on. "I can."

I smile and buckle up my own seatbelt. "You're the best," I tell her, reaching for my phone and opening up my messages.
If it weren't for Gracie asking me to give her the news in person when we see one another at Grindhouse tomorrow, she would be the first person I would have called. It took everything in me not to, but nonetheless, I text the news to Marty, keeping in mind that he's still at school.
Then I call Sam and Ryan.


"What if she doesn't like pink?" I come running down the stairs in tears and find Scarlett in the kitchen, preparing appetisers for the movie night we've decided to have.

She lifts her gaze from the cutting board. "What's wrong?"

"What if she doesn't like pink and I'm just forcing it on her because I like it? I mean, what kind of Mom forces something on her child?" I cry, walking behind the counter and resting my head against her chest. She puts the knife in her hands down and pulls me into her arms.

"I don't know how I'm supposed to be a Mom. What if I can't get her to stop crying in the middle of the night because I can't tell whether she's hungry, or needs a diaper change, or if she's really sick?" I feel my heart rate pick up. "Or what if one day she goes to college and never calls me because I was too overbearing, or not overbearing enough for her to realise how much I love her? Please help me, Mommy. I don't know how to do this."

The warmth radiates from her palms and she holds my face in her hands and looks me in the eye. "Take a deep breath," she says, her tone assertive.
I do, and feel my shoulders relax as a result.

"You, Kenzie, are going to fine. In fact, you're going to be an amazing Mom," she starts, her thumbs wiping the tears from under my eyes, her hands still holding my face. "I'd be bullshitting you if I said that you weren't going to screw it up from time to time, but that's part of the job. I've lost count of all the times I could have been a better Mom to you and we still have a pretty cool relationship if you ask me."

A small chuckle falls past my lips. "I think we do, too."

"See? You've got this, kiddo. And on the times you feel like you don't, I'm right here to help, okay? You'll figure it out as you go, you don't need to know everything right now."

With a sniffle, I manage a slight smile.
I've heard my fair share of people say that they believe some babies pick their parents, and if that was the case for me, I made a really good choice. I just hope my daughter feels the same way about me.

"Thank you," I say, my voice quiet.

She presses her lips against my forehead. "And as for the her not liking pink thing, I'm here to tell you that babies couldn't care less about material things. The only thing she's going to want in the first several months of her life is sleep, being with her Mama, cuddles, and boobs."

"Oh, god," I sigh and draw my eyebrows together, "she's already sounding too much like me."

Scarlett laughs and rolls her eyes. "Go get into your pyjamas and pick out a movie, you idiot. I'll order the pizza."

Hi! I'm back 🕺
I'm going to be updating this book on Mondays & Friday's for the time being, and keep 'Movies' updates on Wednesdays!

I hope you all have a wonderful week 🫶🏼

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