Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡

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From the shadows comes a wolf, yet he's no ordinary predator. He moves to block her escape, staring with hungry eyes. The only sound is his breathing, nostrils flaring as he takes in her scent. He curls up his gums to reveal yellow stained teeth and then lets out a low rumbling growl. Y/N already knows her fate, in seconds her throat will be ripped out, her flesh consumed, blood staining the ground beneath. Yet he doesn't attack, instead he backs away and darts out the door. It's then Y/N turns to see a second wolf, much larger than the first.


There's nothing else it can be.

Real wolves don't move like that, don't grow that damn big. That's not possible though, those kind of creatures don't exist.....yet he stares at her with almost human eyes and she finds herself wanting to reach out and touch him.

"Did you save me?" Her voice low, almost a whisper. The creature seems to understand her words, tilting his head before suddenly he darts out the door after the first.


"Did you see the new guys that just walked through the gates?" Jisoo asked with a knowing smirk.

"No, what guys?"

"Seven brothers, apparently they just moved here."


"Why are you so rude to me all the time?! What is your problem?" I cocked a brow, tired of his attitude toward me since he arrived here a few weeks ago.

"Listen, I don't have to explain myself to you so just move." He moved his face closer causing my heart to race.

"I hate you Kim Taehyung."

"Feeling is mutual." He swallows hard as his eyes dart to my lips.


"Face it hyung, you care for her." Jungkook smirks.

"Y/N doesn't interest me in the slightest." I grumble, annoyed at his accusation.

"Then explain why you can't keep your eyes off of her." I froze, realizing I hadn't stopped staring at her since she entered the lecture hall.

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