Perfect Fantasy

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Riley's POV:
"Hey guys! It's Riles and I'm here with the one and only Kylie Jones! You may know her from her YouTube channel, KylieFlawless, and if you don't, go subscribe!" I say to my camera.
"Hey guys!!! It's Kyles!" Kylie yells into the camera, doing a wierd 'sqaud pose' and duckface. I bust up laughing, and she does the same.
" And Today we well be doing..."
"THE BEST FRIEND CHALLENGE!" We scream at the same time. My camera is on it's tripod and we are standing up. The setup is outside because our challenges always get messy. Beside us, I have a table displaying all of the nasty food products that we have for the challenge, including: eggs, ketchup, raw meat, mustard, maple syrup, donuts, icing, milk, water, etc.
"The food is beside us, and we have a set of 10 questions each. The questions pertain to our personal lives, if you get asked a question and answer wrong, the person who asked the questions chooses an item and smashes/throws it on you. Let's get started! Kyles, ask your questions first." I stand there, waiting for my bestfriend to ask me a question. I know EVERYTHING about her, this should be easy.
"Okay Riles, what is my favorite color?" She asks, stroking her imaginary beard.
" Easy, your favorite color is.... Blue! But not just any blue, your favorite color blue is baby blue." I say and hold my head up proud because I know I got this right. She groans, and continues on.
"What is my favorite sport?"
" Trick question, you don't have a favorite sport, you have favorite sportsss, those are softball, cheer, soccer, track, and watching football." I told you, I know everything about her. The questions drag on, and by the time it was my turn to ask questions, I only got one question wrong, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW HER MOM'S GRANDMA'S MIDDLE NAME?! It's Anne by the way. So now I have a mixture of ketchup and egg on my head, because Kylie's a cheater. Gotta love her though, she's my bestfriend, like I have mentioned. I grin evilly because now it's my time for revenge. I start off easy with what's my favorite color.
" You have two,mint green, and baby blue."
She gets 2 out of 10 questions wrong: My dad's middle name? Michael, she said Kyle? The other question she got wrong was 'What was my Kindergarden class pet? They had three, a frog, praying mantis, and a hedgehog. She only said a frog. The bad thing is, she was in my class that year. For the first missed question, I took the raw meat, spread mustard and ketchup on it, opened a can of bread crumbs, put those on there, spread on icing, and threw it at her. The brightness of the mustard stood out against the darkness of her brown hair. I laughed so hard at the look on her face, she wasn't grossed out, she was shocked, and a littlemad she didnt think of it first. For the second missed question, I opened the orange juice, mixed it with milk and shrimp, then poured that on her head. By the end of the video, we were covered in almost everything, because the small challenge turned into a food fight.
"Thanks for watching guys! We did a cover video on her channel, click her face to go watch, like the videos, subscribe, and see you next week!" We kissed our messy hands and waved, closing out the video. I decided to wait to edit the video, and wash off first.
When I turned, I saw Kylie with the hose, smirking. I put my arms out.
"HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT!!" I scream/sang. She sprayed me down, and I grabbed the hose from her.
"Say hello to my little friend." I said in a really bad accent. I sprayed her off, and we used the towels we had out here to dry off. We put down a tarp so nothing would get on the ground, so we rolled it up, and threw it away. I ran inside before Kylie so I could shower first, I grabbed my outfit for today, and headed into the shower.
I looked at myself in the mirror, my bright blonde hair was drenched, and covered in leftover food. I groaned and hopped in the shower, after plugging in my phone and blasting music of course. When I got out of the shower, I dried off, while singing Shawn Mendes 'Life Of The Party'. I love his voice,it's just so... beautiful. Today me and Kyles decided to match, so our outfits were:
- Red 'Slay' cropped sweater
- Black skinny jeans
- Red 'hightop' converse
-Black 'Slay' cropped sweater
-Red skinny jeans
-Black 'hightop' converse
I let my naturally curly hair hang loose, and put on light mascara, and eyeshadow. I didn't feel like going all out. I exited the bathroom, and saw Kylie sitting on the bed, in her clothes, newly showered. Oh yea, I forgot they had another bathroom. Her room is huge, so I did a back handspring over to her. Oh yea, let me introduce us to you.
My name is Riley Finni, I am 16
Kyears old. I have extremeley blonde hair, a mix of blue-green-gray eyes, freckles, I am average size, but tall I guess. I am 5'7 1/2. I don't think I am tall, but everyone says different, except Kylie, she is as tall as me. Like Kylie, I play softball, soccer, do cheer, and run in track. I am in our school's competition choir and band. I play softball and run track for my school, but am also on competition teams, cheer I don't do through school, and same with soccer. I am an 9th grader, yes, but I am in algebra 2, honors english, advanced American History, and Honors Biology. I try and be as active as I can, but I always have time to goof off, and do YouTube. As you can guess, I am a pretty well-known YouTuber. Same with Kylie.
Kylie Jones. She is my bestfriend and partner in crime. Her favorite color is baby blue. She does cheer, softball, track, soccer, band, and choir with me. She is on all of my teams, and is in most of my classes, I only don't have her in my science and elective classes. We do EVERYTHING together. She is 5'7 1/2. She has dark brown hair, and light brown eyes. Just like me, she has freckles, but she has dimples. Besides looks, we are twins. We don't count ourselves as girlie, we are definitely on the boyish side. She is a well-known YouTuber, and we do a lot of collabs together.
So there it is. That is us. Happy?
We grab our penny boards, and run out the door. Automatically, I know we are going to the field. The field is a hangout for us and our friends, James, Luke, Will, and Dylan. The boys are in all of our core classes, and do soccer, football, basketball, and track. They also sing in the choir, and play in band.
~'~ Skip to Field
Kylie's POV:
Riley and I arrive at the field and see the boys passing the football around.
" Hey toss it here!" I yell, and Dylan throws a perfect spiral to me, that Riley intercepts.
"INTERCEPTION!" She screams in my face. We all laugh and sit down.
" So what's new in the world of twindom?" James asks, reffering to Riley and I.
" Well, you know, just reading each other's minds and stuff." I say in a serious voice, Riley and I bust up.
"What's new for real though guys?" Luke asks.
" Kylie and I just finished another YouTube video." Riley explains.
"There's a football game on Friday." Will says. We already know though, because Thursday is a softball game, track is at the end of the year, and soccer is during the spring for us.
"And one for our non-school team on Wednesday." Luke adds. Their non-school team is the Bandits.
" Our cheer team is cheering for you guys that game!" Riley shouts. Wait. We are?! Ugh.
" Anything else?" James asks. We all shake our heads.
" Then let's get food!" He screams, we all head up to the sidewalk and ride our boards to the closest McDonalds. I get a 10 peice mcnugget meal with large fries and a m&m mcflurry. Same as Riley. The guys just got Big Macs. We sit at the table, and begin eating the delicious meal.
~'~ Skip to night
Riley's POV:
It's ten at night, Kylie is at my house, and we just finished editing our videos, and posting them. We are wide awake still.
"What now Riles?" She asks.
"No clue, wanna livestream?"
"Sure!" We both tweet that we are going live on YouNow, ans set everything up. After a few minutes, we have viewers flodding in, and commenting. We try to get every comment read,but it's not easy.
"How about we sing a song for you guys?" Kylie asks. Everyone goes crazy comenting 'yes!' so we do. We decide on singing 'Just A Dream' by Carrie Underwood.
~'~ After Broadcast
Riley's POV:
Broadcasting was fun, but now me and Kylie can barely stay awake so we decide to go to sleep, at 1 in the morning. I get ready, brush my teeth, and go to sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. Tommorrow, more like today, is Monday, yay!(Note the sarcasm)

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