I'm sitting on the floor in the middle of my closet, looking around at my clothes, wondering what I should wear tonight. I wouldn't call this a date even if he did kiss me. Gnawing on my lip, I bring my knees up to my chest to wrap my arms around my legs; he said he wanted to talk, so maybe I should be casual with a little flair. I don't want to seem like I'm trying too hard.

Peering down at my watch, I see I don't have too much longer to make a decision. I'm about to get up and pick through my options when my black cat strolls in with a meow as she rubs against my legs.

"Hey, Bas, where have you been today?" I pick her up to rub her head, and she purrs, making me smile. "Do you know what I should wear for my dinner date?" I look around again, and that's when my phone starts to ring. Looking, I see it's Sierra.

"Yes, ma'am?" I answer, setting Bastet to the side.

"Come over and watch this Conjuring marathon with me,"

"Um... I can't," I tell her, although that sounds more interesting than my plans. "I'm going out tonight,"

"Really? Why didn't you say anything? I'd love to go out. I can be ready -"

"Actually, I'm going by myself," I cut her off before she can say too much.

"Wait, what?" She comes up short like I knew she would. It's not often I go out alone.

"Yeah.... yeah. I was serious when I said I think I need to take a break from men. Date me for a while to figure out why I tend to hook up with low caliber men." I half joke.

"Awe, Remi, if this is about what I said, I'm sorry. I was joking; I don't truly think that about you."

"No, this isn't about that, though you did make an annoying point. I enjoy sex to a point that it clouds my judgment, and I ignore all the red flags."

"Do you want my honest opinion?"

"Sure." I roll my eyes, not very interested in whatever it is she has to say.

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