Wheather they would be sub or dom

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Song picked by my mother, Thank you mother

50/50 he would love to see you in charge degrading him, but he also loves being in charge but he would be a soft nice dom

You would mostly be dom because he loves seeing you on top of him degrading him whilst you ✨yk✨him

80/20 he would mostly be dom because he loves you being submissive towards him but he likes change sometimes so that is when you are dom

SURPRISE ATTACK!!!! He it 70/30 he loves the power he feels on top of you but like Draco he likes change and likes being degraded (I wouldn't like to be degraded) CEDRIC SIMPS, COM GET YO MANZ!!

SUB no questions asked he likes you being on top end of, no buts

50/50 likes you on top and likes being on top himself.

60/40 he likes being on top more than Freddie

95/5 he LOVES the rare occasion when you say you want to be on top buuuut basically all of the time he is on top and you both are totally cool about it

99/1 when he is tired but wants ✨shmex✨ you are on top but that is like once a year sooo good luck with your rough sex 😃

90/10 you are only DOM when you beg and beg and beg for it ON YOUR KNEES and that is the only way you will be DOM

He's a softy everywhere but in bed he ahh 😩😩😩 50/50 you both love being on top and on the bottom so every time you do ✨it✨ you switch places

This is so shit but I hope you like it, I'm tired but I haven't updated in like 2-3 weeks so ima do like 2 more or something

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