The Meeting

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It was a beautiful day at the park. The sun was shinning, there was a nice cool breeze and everyone there was happy. There was one girl who was at the park babysitting a little boy named Mikey. Mikey was a huge fan a baseball and his favorite baseball player just happened to be Javier Garcia.

It just so happens that the baseball player was actually there at the park in the batting area and was batting with his brother. It also just so happens that Mickey ends up seeing them.

"Omg, omg, look Ellie it's Javier." Mikey said tugging on Ellie's arm and pointing at said person. Ellie looked to where he was pointing and saw two men. One of the men she thought was very handsome and was more attracted to him. She had never believed that one of the baseball players she had seen on Mikey's wall would be here in real life.

"Can you go get his autograph for me pleaseeeee?" Mikey said while jumping up and down next to Ellie. Ellie looked at Mikey and then back to the handsome ball player and said, "Fine give me what you want him to sign." Mikey grabbed his hat off his head and handed it to Ellie. Ellie grabbed it and started to walk over to the two men.

By the time she got there, there were three kids there asking Javier for an autograph. Ellie patiently waited her turn and when the kids left she walked up to Javier. She looked up and was met with the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. "Hi can you sign this for the boy I am babysitting he is one of your biggest fans." Ellie said to him never breaking eye contact once and handing over the hat.

"Of course what's his name?" Javier said still looking at Ellie.

"It's Mikey." Ellie responded to Javier's question. Javier looks down at the hat to find it was the hat of the team he played for. He signed Mikey's hat and looked back at the mysterious girl he found attractive.

"Here you go." Javier said handing back the now signed hat. Ellie took the hat back and looked at what he wrote and smiled.

"Thank you he will love this." Ellie said looking back at Javier.

"So I never got your name." Javier said looking right back at Ellie.

"Oh my name is Ellie." Ellie replied. 'Ellie uh what a pretty name.' Javier thought.

"You know I was wondering if you would maybe like to go get some food sometime." Javier said to Ellie. He saw her cheeks heat up at his words and he was getting anxious about her reply.

"Oh sure I would love to." Ellie said to him still feeling her cheeks heat up. She had never been on a date before and here she was getting asked by someone she started to have a crush on.

"Awesome, here let me give you my phone number and we can chat about what date you would like to meet up." Javier said as he pulled out a small piece of paper and wrote his phone number on and handed it over to Ellie.

"Oh ok I will text you later. I should get back to Mikey so goodbye Javier." Ellie said turning around to leave when she heard what he said next.

"You can call me Javi all my family and friends do." Javi stated and he saw the girl turn her head around and nod before walking away to a little boy not far from here.

"Are you done flirting so we can go home." David said after he had witnessed the whole conversation.

"Yeah we can go home now." Javi said as he put the bat back and walked with David to his car to drive home.


Ellie walked back to Mikey after having been asked out and gave him is hat back. He looked at it and had a huge smile on his face.

"You're the best babysitter ever Ellie." Mikey said giving Ellie a tight hug. Ellie hugged him back.

"I know I am, now let's get you back to your house." Ellie said gesturing to where her car was parked. They both walked to her car and got in and Ellie drove to drop Mikey off at his house.

"Bye Mikey see you next time." Ellie said waving at him through the window as he walked towards his house.

"Bye Ellie." Mikey said waving back and going inside. Ellie sat there for a few minutes going over what happened today.

She was excited to go on the date and could not wait to go. She drove to her house imagining what could happen on the date. She could not be more excited.

Authors note: Hey guys I hope you like the first episode I will try to plan to have an episode out everyday but it might be a little hard but I will try my best. Sorry they might be short but I am trying my best.
Until next Midnight out.

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