Ice Cream?

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Authors note: Hello readers I am really sorry for not posting in awhile I told myself to do it but I really thought that nobody was going was going to read my story but it looked like I had a few readers so I am going to continue the story. Thank you for continuing to read my story I hope you enjoy.
- this means text messaging -


Ellie's P.O.V

I was brushing my hair and getting ready for bed, when I got a text message from my best friend Melody.

- Ellie we have to hang out tomorrow. I heard that they opened a new ice cream shop and we have to try it out. -

I looked at the text message and thought it over and thought it would not be a bad idea to get ice cream in the summer when it is really hot. So I responded to Melody,

- Hey Melody and yeah I think it is a great idea to get ice cream tomorrow. See you at 11:00. -

After I am done texting and getting ready for bed I plug my phone into the charger and hop into bed to get some sleep for tomorrow.

Hey guys I am really, really, really sorry for not writing this story. This school year has not been easy but now that I am done I will try to finish this story. I will make another chapter tomorrow about Javi and Ellie and how their story continues. I hope this tides you over till then. Again I am really sorry I hope you guys will continue to read my story.
Till hopefully tomorrow Midnight out.
P.S. sorry this is really short.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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