28. Fights Happen

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It's been two days since the whole incident. My dad had came home that morning of my thinking about everything that happened.

I've been sneaking around following Diego. Everytime I do theres always a clue for the next place he goes.

It's kinda suspicious. I decided to tell Issac about but I don't know how to approach it.

Like accusing your boyfriends cousin as a mole in the mafia trying to kill me is a very strong accusation.

I sighed in frustration rubbing my temples. I think it's time to tell Issac.

I texted him to meet me in the hotel room because he had went out for some reason. I don't know why that was suspicious too.

He left around 5:30 am and never came back. It's now 7:00 pm. He hadn't texted me at all today either.

It was weird because if he did this usually he would text me he left in the morning and would call to check on me.

It's been 30 minutes and he still hasn't showed up. I sigh thinking he probably won't show up. As I started to close my eyes slightly. I hear a deep familiar voice.

"Going to sleep so soon, love?" He said smirking, crossing his arms as he's leaning against the wall.

Fuck that's hot, but i'm supposed to be mad.

"Don't love me" I turned around angrily. His smirking face turned into a confused one. "What's wrong princess?" Before he could walk up to me, I went towards him.

"I'll tell you what's wrong" I poke his chest. "You left at 5:30 IN THE MORNING and didn't come back until 7:30. You didn't call or text me like you always do. That's fucking weird. Like you had me worried then come back saying these pet names and stuff are gonna make up for what you did. I had something really important I wanted to tell you but i couldn't because you were out probably cheating or getting drunk" I shout letting out a breath.

He smelt like his regular cologne and some Whiskey. "First off I would never cheat on you, I don't do that and you know that so don't you dare accuse me of it again. Second off I'm not drunk, I had one drink and im not a lightweight. Third off I was gone and couldn't text you for a reason" He rambles.

"Why couldn't you text me" I fold my arms. "Because I can't tell you until tomorrow at the ball" He says with a straight face.

"Whatever" I roll my eyes attempting to walk away but his strong grip on my throat pulled me back.

"Don't roll your eyes, and tell me what you had to say" His minty breath lingered onto my skin. His plump lips practically touching my neck.

He started leaving light kisses all over until I said something to make him change his whole mood.

"I think Diego is the mole"

"Oh yeah?" He pulls back cocking an eyebrow.

"Why would think my cousin out of all people" He folds his arms. "So many reasons like the first day I met him, he literally was looking at baby pictures of me. And he's never with the family unless we're all together. Don't you think that's weird." I explain.

"What if he's not a people person" Issac shrugs. "He literally tried to ask about our relationship too" I say trying to convince him.

"I think your overreacting" He rolls his eyes. "ME?? MAYBE YOUR JUST NOT REACTING ENOUGH" I shout.

"Don't raise your voice at me" He said getting a little mad. "I'll do whatever I want, you don't own me".

He pushes me back into the wall gasping a little bit. "You're mine Maria, your body, your heart, your mind, everything that has to do with you. Is mine don't ever fucking forget that." He says while pushing his knee to open my legs.

"See here you go again never actually listening to what I have to say, I'm so done" I get out of his grip. I grabbed my phone and put on my nike slides and walked out of the room.

"MARIA COME BACK HERE" He shouts. "No fuck you" I yell back flipping him off.

I walked Lilly's room. She was ironically sharing it with Matthew. She told me they started dating two weeks ago and they're going on strong.

I start to knock on the door. After a few moments Matthew opens the door shirtless having his abs showing. He had on grey sweatpants that showed his v-line too.

"Hey ria, are you okay"He asked concerned. "Not really but where is lilly" I say. "She's changing, but come in" He smiles opening the door.

I see Issac's big figure coming towards us and I hurry in the room. Matthew closed the door and let me sit on the bed.

We heard banging on the door and I knew it was Issac. I sent Matthew to go talk to him and to not let him in.

Lilly came out in her pjs. "Oh hey bitch, what you doing here" She sits beside me.

"We had an argument, over if Diego is the mole and if he was cheating or not stuff like that" I sigh.

"He got really mad because I accused his cousin" I shake my head. "Girl if he doesn't stop acting like the big bad wolf and get his act together. It's really not that serious. He's probably mad because he didn't realize that Diego is the mole before you and he wants to be mr know it all" I rolls her eyes.

"Your right" I smile. "I'm letting him in" Matthew says as Issac walks in. I send straight death stares at Matthew.

"You and my favorite dagger are gonna have a talk later" I mouth to him.

"What do you want" I groan. "To talk to you" He said.

"We did talk then you started yelling" I snapped back. "WELL YOU ACCUSED ME OF CHEATING" He shouts making me wince a bit.

"Aye pipe down bitch, I'll fuck your ass up, don't yell at her like that" Lilly gets in between us point in his face.

"I'm sorry" He says to her. "Say sorry to her not me" Lilly sits back onto the bed.

"Look i'm sorry, love. please come back to the room" He apologizes. "Lemme think about it" I say tapping my finger on my mouth. "NO" I shout.

"She's staying here tonight, I'll come to the room with you" Matthew says to Isaac smirking.

"Fine" He huffs and walks out the room. They close the door behind them.

Me and Lilly just started to watch our favorite show "The neighborhood" I love that show so much.

After awhile Lilly was sleep in my arms. I eventually drifted off to sleep aswell. Leaving the show playing lightly in the background.

HEYYY LOVES, i'm sorry for the slow updates!! I've been really busy because i'm starting to watch my sister kids like three times a week.
Their a real handful but at least i'm getting paid🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️.

I also woke up at 4 in the morning and i'm so tired 😭. I didn't go to sleep until 2:30 too. So i'm sorry if this chapters has a lot of mistakes I'm half asleep.

Tell me your thoughts on this chapter!!! I'm also making more chapters right after this one is being published!!!

Word count: 1273

~not edited~


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