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A few months after the murders known as the "Massacres of the forest". There were around 218 bodies all buried around this one tree. It scared people and shook them to their cores. It turns out when a major inspirational influencer kills hundreds people cry a lot. Their dead now though. So is a girl known as (redacted) She had a friend though. Levi their name was. Every wednesday they laid flowers by the tree for her.

this time they did it slightly differently though.

"Hello (redacted) Can't be long today but here's your flowers for the week. I know you have a pollen allergy and these would make you sneeze like crazy but who cares. . .Anyways I best be off. I'm meeting you on the roof in around ten minutes to play Minecraft with you. I need to charge my phone once we are there so that I can call the police when the mother comes. Any who I'll be off now. See you same time next week. Bye for now. I'm sorry I can't stay sooner. I killed Ranboo in this world so I just feel obligated to save them in other ones Y'know. Bye for now"

Massacre of the forestWhere stories live. Discover now