Chapter Four - On Track For Destiny

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Chapter Four - The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

Season 1 - Episode 7

There was an Enchanted forest filled with all the classic characters we know.

Or think we know.

One day they found themselves trapped in a place where all their happy endings were stolen.

Our World.

This is how it happened...

The Evil Queen and Octavia look over the balcony of Regina's castle, and she sees Snow White on the lower level, placing a white rose on top of her father's coffin. "Goodbye, Father." Snow White mutters, and the Evil Queen touches her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Snowie," Octavia comforts her step-niece, moving her away from her older sister.

"I loved him so much," She whispers in heartache

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"I loved him so much," She whispers in heartache.

"So did I, dear." Regina replies. "So did I. The loss I feel for my husband must be nothing compared to the loss you feel for your father."

"If there is anything we could do, please, let us know." Octavia tells her.

"Agreed. I may only be your mother through marriage, but we're here for you, dear. Truly and forever." She adds, and Snow White moved by their words, hugs the Evil Queen and the Cruel Princess.


The Evil Queen and Cruel Princess return to Regina's chambers, escorted by several guards and the vanity in the corner next to the Mirror on the wall. "Congratulations. Your revenge is almost complete." Mirror comments, poking his head out of the Mirror on the wall, and Regina walks to the vanity, sitting on the stool while Octavia goes to the table and chair in the centre of the room. "She has no idea, does she?"

"That I'm responsible for his passing? She sought comfort with us. Sickening. I could've ended her miserable existence right there. Believe me - it was tempting." Regina muses, looking at the Mirror.

"It would have sated your soul, sister." The Cruel Princess remarks, summoning a tea set that magically pours itself.

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