chapter 4 - meeting

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taylor's pov

i woke up with kayla still holding onto me, i smiled down at her as i remembered the events of yesterday. but with that also came worry of what today would hold, i already loved her so much and don't know what i would do if she had to leave, i suppose life would go back to normal, but now i think i would feel as if something was missing. i looked over at my clock and saw it was 8.45, i had slept in and the social services said that they'd be here at 10. i softly detached sleepy kayla from me, and slipped mr fluffles in my place, i had quickly learnt how much she loved him. i left my room to find my housekeeper, dorota, already cleaning the hallway "morning dorota" i whispered, as she looked up, clearly confused why i was whispering, she then followed my gaze to my room and said "is everything okay?"
"yes, i can explain later but for now just leave my room, there is a little girl asleep in there, she needs all the sleep she can get. i have people coming over at 10 so i just need everything good for then, so if you need me to help with anything let me know, and also do you mind being a star and cleaning the green guest room please?"
"of course no problem taylor, i went shopping so there should be stuff in for breakfast if you want me to make some quickly?"
"it's alright thanks i appreciate it so much!" i said as i made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. i made a coffee while i found ingredients to make pancakes, all kids like pancakes, right?

kayla's pov

i woke up and rolled over, expecting to see taylor, but instead her side of the bed was empty. i got up straight away, scared she'd been taken by scary people like in my dreams. the one good thing that's happened in my life taken away. i grabbed a book from the side table and snuck out, as i suspected. there was a women in the hallway who was definitely not taylor. i took a deep breath and charged attacking her legs because that's all i could reach "give me back taylor!!!" i screamed. she just laughed as i hit her with the book and i grew more confused, this wasn't funny. i wanted taylor back. just then i heard "kayla!" and turned to see taylor at the top of the stairs, i ran over to her and into her open arms, she scooped me up and i said "there's a random women in your house! don't worry i was handling it!" i said as i side-eyed the women who was just standing there laughing, taylor then joined in laughing and i furrowed my brows, i thought she would be happy i was protecting her and then call the police or something. 
"no kiki, this is dorota my housekeeper" 
"oh, my bad" i said, embarrassed and hiding in taylor
"hi kayla!" dorota said and i shyly said
"hello, i'm sorry" she seemed to forgive me then went back to what she was doing, taylor set me down and said "do you want some breakfast? i made pancakes?" my face lit up, i had never had a pancake other than when some of the big girls had them and i was doing the dishes and they'd left some over, it was heavenly. i nodded excitedly and followed taylor down the stairs into her massive kitchen. she helped me up onto the stool and then put a plate in front of me with two full pancakes on it "all for me?" i asked and she nodded saying "you can have more if you want when you are done, which toppings do you want" she said facing away as she picked up toppings from the counter and set them down in front of me, i picked the chocolate sauce and the strawberries and began making it. i bit into one and oh my god it was amazing "this is so good" i said through my full mouth, she laughed she sat next to me. she then turned more serious and said "so, in a little less than an hour there are people coming over, they want to see you and check that you're okay after running away" i nodded slowly, i didn't want them to take me away, "they will just want to talk to you i think."

taylor's pov

i had a blouse that acted as a dress for kayla, so she was wearing that and i'd put on a 'motherly' smart outfit, or at least tried to, it was just a floral dress. once i was entirely ready, i put kayla's hair into two braids and tied it off with bows because that's what she wanted. i found myself nervously bouncing my leg as i tried to concentrate on the tv kayla had told me to put on. at exactly 10 the intercom rung and one of my bodyguards told me of a women from social services arrival, i told him to let her in and waited anxiously by the door. she walked in and i shook her hand, she seemed a little shocked to see me, i presumed she knew who i was but i still said "hi! im taylor, come on in!"
"hi taylor i'm gayle, what a lovely house you have"
"thank you, do you want to see kayla? she is in the living room," i said and she nodded, as i led her through to where kayla was sat with olivia on the sofa, she sat up straighter when she saw i was with someone, before i had the chance to introduce them gayle said "hi kayla, i've heard a lot about you, i'm gayle and i'm here to help figure out what is going to happen"
"hello" kayla said, suddenly very shy. gayle took a seat on an armchair and i sat next to kayla who shuffled closer to me. "so kayla, why don't you tell me a little about how you ended up here with taylor?"
"erm well i ran away from my orphanage and i was all alone until taylor invited me in"
"okay, do you know where it was you ran away from?" i saw her take a big gulp and she said "miss martin's" a look of realisation dawned on gayle's face as she wrote something down
"and why did you run away?"
"they were mean. so mean." her eyes became distant, as if she was traumatised from memories, i had noticed this happen to her whenever she talked about it
"okay, why don't i have a little talk with taylor then come back?" she nodded before murmuring
"don't make me leave, please" i looked at her, desperate to give her a hug, but holding back and switching her tv episode back on as i followed gayle out. 

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