Chapter V: The Walls Behind Walls

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"What again!?!!" a sigh of disappointment to another thing that made me go yeah, disappointed 'cause it's another way, literally. But now, there are lights. "Well, this is really a one long way home." My guess is right. There will be a turning wall after I pulled up the book and bring me to another room. But this time, not a library anymore. "I know this place... This is my classroom in 3rd year high school! But, there's no one here." Yeah, I'm alone again. But this time, at least I know where I am. Then I look at my back where I cast. But, the walls are gone. The wall was replaced by the a painted wall and nothing on it. But it's supposed to be a wall of books 'cause it turned and uh! Geez! I have no time for questioning myself. Talking to myself is crazy. So I moved on about it, I just sit at my armchair at back row at the left side before the window. I reminisce all the things that happened in that corner, when I'm still at school, when I'm with Luke my bestfriend and only friend that time.

I remember the time when me and Luke became a partner for a project in Chemistry like a research paper but, it's more like a thesis but not that complicated, the simple one. And that's called a Science Investigatory Project, where we need to focus on something unique, no one had ever made it before, depending on the topic like for example, something that can help on terminating pests at home, very useful product that can probably be helpful on something. But me and Luke got to a topic about something that can help people eliminate mosquitoes to prevent the diseases that caused by mosquito bites. Since, it's Chemistry we will not use chemicals. That's so ironic and a joke to cope up to. We decided to make an insect repellant incense made of something natural no chemicals. But, we need to follow the Scientific Method where we should have a questions, topic, sub topics, hypotheses, experimentations, abstract, and final result and product.

"Oh, the Scientific Method. Which can be used in daily lives to finish something. I wish I had time for that." Then I noticed something different in the room, there's no books in the bookshelf. The charts are gone: the Periodic Table of Elements, the World Map, the templates on making a letter. They're all gone! There are only chairs, board and chalks. No even erasers. And there's a very weird thing here, the most important thing which is also gone, "The door and windows! What on Earth! How can I even get the hell out of here?!" Oh yeah, no door, nor windows. The most weird thing that happened to me. Well this is sick. The only way is to make a hole on the wall just to get out of here! But, I only got chalks here. What would I do? Just draw a door on the wall then there I go? I have a door? This isn't the chalk zone. And I'm not Rudy or whatever he is. But, I thought of all the things happened. Impossible things that just happened. So why will not I have a try to do a very sick and crazy thing. "Ok, no ones gonna see what I'll do so, let me have a try. Now I'm talking to myself." I get the chalk and draw whatever I should draw. A door or a window. I first draw a square window before the wall, I just draw a square on it. And then surprisingly, nothing happened. "Yeah this is crazy, I knew it!" So I just sit back on a chair and trying to thing another plan. But before I can loosen, I saw something glowing in the chalk box. Then I remember, Rudy came to chalk zone by drawing holes with a... "Glowing chalk! Yeah!" So I hurriedly went on the chalk box but unfortunately, the glowing thing is not a chalk. It's more likely a round stick with glowing tip. Like Harry Potter's wand with a spell Lumos. I get that weird wand-looking stick and examine it. This is just as weird as it is. "This is freaking COOL!" The light at the tip of the stick is so luminous, it can lit a dark room and saw everything inside it. So this is me now holding this stick or probably a wand which tip is glowing, but still don't know what to do next. Well then I thought this happening, weird things happening, impossible things happening, why not take a try. "If I was Harry Potter, what should I do with a wand?" Exactly! Cast a spell. So thinking every spells from Harry Potter series, well if this works, it's WOW! So I thought of turning of the light at the tip of the wand, and my guess is it was Lumos, I should just say it then the spell will disappear. "So, I'm doing this. Lumos!!" In surprise, nothing happened, which makes me feel disappointed. "Maybe this is not 'Harry Potter'." Still thinking what to do, when I sat on a chair, something moved inside my tweed jacket. So I checked it quickly. And It's a small black book. So my eyebrows arched again, thinking what was this book is referring to. And what would be done to a book? Of course! Read it! So I opened the book in the first page. And it says, "A Wizard's Cipher." So, as expected, I was amazed after seeing that. I've heard about a Cipher before while watching the movie, "The Prestige" which the main character is a magician. Just magician, not wizard. And I thought ciphers consists of drawings and description on what's in the drawing and how to use it. But this cipher I have, it only have freaky words, I don't think it's English. Every highlighted word or words in phrases, there are descriptions and luckily it's in English. Well then I remember the Harry Potter Spells. I can't remember if there's a spell book in Harry Potter but, it's a wizard themed movie so, I think there is. Well I think this "cipher" is a spell book. And I got a wand. "Okay? So, I'm a wizard now? Whoa! I think I should wear wizard hat and a robe and weird sandals." Well so I got a book here and what I learned from school is "Read Books". Well I started from the start of course, and the first word is "Metavoli". Then followed with a description, "or the alteration spell. It alters the position of two things with intent matter. Also can use to change positions with your enemy for escaping." Well, that'll help me at least, I think. Then the next word is "Déntro Zver'" well I know déntro, it means a tree in Greek. Well it says, "this spell lets you summon a tree to where you point your wand. Cast it for blocking any offensive spell. And with an offensive intent, it can turn into a tree beast that attacks the enemy." Well all of these are helpful. Maybe I should find a spell that can cast a door on the wall. I first saw a spell for busting a wall. It's named as "Pyrodótisi". So I decided to have a try on a wall. So then I pointed my wand on the wall, "Okay. I hope this will work. Pyrodótisi!" *explosion* And then it really works! But a weird thing just happened. "What the!?" I cursed after seeing the wall is like building itself again but it's total black after the wall. "Maybe I can't go to that hole in the wall. Bad idea. Maybe I should find another spell." So I get the book again and look for some spell. Then I'm enjoying reading 'cause there are some weird, really weird spell like the one's called "Chervi Proimaia" which casts a bunch of worms inside the mouth of someone you pointed and intended the spell. And also the spell "Sanguento Gouliá" which sips all the blood of the opponent by the wand and can spit into anywhere or anyone the caster intended. And it's also gross. Then again while looking for the perfect spell to cast a door, I then saw another cool spell which can turn your surrounding to be transparent amd can turn anything even the caster to be invisible with proper intent, and maybe this can help my way out. It's called "Nepobedimyy". So then I tried it. "Okay. Hooh! I hope this will work and won't make things worse. Okay. Here I go." I closed my eyes and point my wand upward with my arms, "Nepobedimyy!!" And when I opened my eyes, a very very weird thing happened...

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