Chapter VI: A Lost Way

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  Well it worked. It actually worked. The four cornered room I'm in to turned into a transparent glass-like box. Even the floor turned invincible too. That makes my walking looks like I'm floating. "Whoah this is cool." But the thing that surprised me is the stairs behind to where I am. Like tangled stairs but only one stair is attached to my place, so I walked near it and then realized there's no walls anymore. All I can see are stairs, not just ordinary stairs but it's kinda maze-like but the complicated one 'cause they're tangled; tangled as in some stairs are twisted and it's like going nowhere. "But then I must go for there's no other way out. Oh. That's too deep. I might drown. Hahaha. Now I'm laughing alone. Crazy bad-ass." I look like a crazy zombie walking with my arms stretched forward trying to check if there's a wall still, but there's none. So I walked through, at least the stairs are solid concrete.

  While walking, I remembered the first time we go to The Great Wall Of China last summer with my family and also Luke's. It's kinda like this, stair walkway. It's fun walking there with family and friends, you will never feel the tiredness, just happiness. But the difference is that it's so dark here. I can only see the walkway and nothing more. I have nothing with me but I don't feel the tiredness, oh also the pain a while ago. So I walk and walk and walk until I forwardly saw floating chairs and table and a board but there's something weird about it, "It's upside down?... Oh hell wait what?!" Yeah. It's upside down! Because I'm the one who's upside down, I'm in the middle of the loop upward. It's so uncozy looking up, or it's down. But at least I'm not falling. "Phew!! I thought I will... Wait AAAAAAHHHH!!" I thought I won't but I just fell down but it's like I entered a dark wormhole, I'm falling so fast but not falling on the ground yet. I keep shouting and stopped, "Okay. This takes so long. When will I fall on the ground?... Oh!" I fell on a soft, foam like floor. But there's no light, then I remembered I have a wand with glowing tip and it's inside my tweed jacket. Yeah it's very useful. I see some torches on the wall, but it's not lit up with fire. Then I feel something agitating inside my jacket, "Oh the book! It's weirdly moving again." Then I pick the book and it literally opens itself to page VIII, where specific spell is glowing. "Pozhar, this spell is an offensive one which burst fire or ball of fire from the tip of the wand. And it can also be used for burning bonfire or torches. Oh. This is it, let me have a try lighting up a torch. Ok... *points the wand on a torch on the wall* Pozhar!! *fire burst* Whoah!! Oh! Geez! I should be more carefull." The fire burns the whole torch, careless creature. Anyway at least I knew it will work but lesson learned, read everything before doing such stuff. It says, intention of the caster is a must, you should think of the way you will use it and be more carefull because it can hurt you. "Oh okay. Okay okay think think think, lighting up torches, Pozhar! *small fire burst* Ooh! I did it!" Yeah I did. It's kinda easy maybe so I lit up every torch I see and at the last torch, it's not a wooden torch. It's made of gold and it's literally glowing by itself. I tried to get it but it's like it was attached to the wall permanently, and for an instance, I moved it downwards and again, nothing more surprising, the floor opened wide very quick and I fell again. Maybe this fall would make me go to the center of the earth. It takes so long before I fell on a soft foam-like floor. "Ok, here I go again." The torches here are already lit up so there's no need to make fire on them. There's only one way, and so I look up to where I'm from, the light is so far away, it looks like a glowing ant size thing. So then I moved forward the walkway is changing in texture, from soft to very rought, and then in the distance I saw an arc entering a large room with candles, lots ot candles inside and a creepy statue of an old wizard at the middle. I know it's a wizard because of hat, robe and especially the wand. The room is round in shape, again there's no other way out. There are some flasks inside, books which are rotten, and some pots. It looks like a work room of a witch, and that creeps me out. The statue of the old wizard is twice taller than me and it's perfectly made of shiny bronze and there's a message embossed on the floor before the statue's feet. 'Thy power can only bring back the life of thy elder. Who hast the great power amongst all wizards, who had suffered under dark spells and now become a bronze mass.' "Oh. Wow. You're the elder wizard." It's very amazing seeing a real elder wizard but unfortunately, I think he's under a spell. And "I" can bring back his life? How's that. I want to do it but I really don't know.

It's March, middle of the semester. Me and Luke got to enter the football team of our school and it's kinda cool very fun every training and every match we had. We feel cool that time, being in the footbal team who brought our school to champ many times. We feel that our school times are complete, until one day. We had a training for the next football match, 2 weeks before and that's our 5th in a row training. It's very tiring because we need to study and at the same time train for the match. I saw Luke is turning pale in the middle of the training, "Dude! Are we good?" I said. "Yeah yeah. It's just. I don't know. It's not cozy for me, the heat." Luke said catching his breath and sweating very hard. "I think you should rest, I know we have another set of training but your health is more important." I went to our coach and told him that Luke needs a rest because he don't looks fine. But before I finished talking with our coach, someone shouted in panic. "God! Luke!! Hey!! Luke passed out!! Coach!!" I panicked after I heard what's happening. I run so fast that I don't care if I fell just to go to where Luke is. My shoulders fell in pity of Luke. I went near him and tried to wake him up, "Luke! Luke!! Hey!! Wake up!! Somebody help me get him to the clinic! Now!!" I don't feel the heat, the exhaustion, I just want Luke to be fine. I lift Luke on my arms with the help of my coach and brought him to the clinic. Good thing there's a doctor that day, and he's saved. I feel like a thorn is pulled out from my body seeing Luke breathing again. I called Mrs. McCready swiftly after what happened and she got up very fast and saw Luke lying on the patient's bed. "Oh Luke! What happened to you. Thank you Con for bringing my son here in the clinic." Mrs. McCready said. "Our coach helped me bring Luke here. He's my best friend, I'll do whatever it takes for him 'cause I know he'll do the same for me." I said panting. "Thank you. Thank you so much. I owe you my son's life." Luke is fine after 5 hours of unconsciousness. And I felt happier than his mom, I don't know what will I do if I lose him. And after days, we went back on training but now, we're on a safe place and train inside the gymnasium. At least, heat stroke is not a reason anymore to have such situation. And the match has ended and we won the game. We celebrate in school with all students. Such a happy moment after a bad situation happened.

  Maybe if a spell is casted to the elder, I need a counter-spell. I should learn first every single spell in my spell book. But before I can loosen up, a wind blows from the statue and a sudden gasp I made. "Oh my God!! Ghost!! Oh wait. You look familiar. Hmmm. Yeah!" "You are right. I am the elder wizard but not in my human state, I managed to take away my soul from my body before I was binded with that dark spell. I'm here to help you. You're dad, I thought he's the one who can learn all the magic in the world of wizards. But I am hoping that it's you now." The elder wizard said. "Oh so wait, do you know what's happening in the real world? Like why I was sent here? Any reasons?" "I can't tell you Connor, for if I tell you, you may never do this anymore. By the way, my name is Alexander." The elder wizard said. "Alexander. Maybe I can call you Alex? Alexander is too long." I smiled at him and he did too. Maybe he agreed to what I said. "I am here to help you understand everything, I will be acting as a teacher here, I'll teach you every magic spells on that spell book and everything that is not mentioned there. It's way too long. But I'm telling you one thing, the time in this dimension is million times faster than in the real world which means if you go back there while you take almost a year here, it will be like you are gone for an hour." Alex said. "Well that's nice, at least I will not get old. Haha." I blasted in fun. "So Connor Oakley, son of the 3rd ranked wizard from the west, Cameroon Maxwell Oakley, let's start the class." the elder said.

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