Chapter Two - Insufferable

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Much to Emma's dismay, Matteo was in every single class with her. He continued to be just as insufferable since the moment she met him, always finding a way to call her princess, always having a smart ass comment to make. It had been a long first day with him. And if there was one thing Emma was sure about it was that Matteo Riddle bothered her.

Pansy was in full party prep mode. She sent the boys to go find as much booze as possible, while she found her box of "party fun" under her bed, untangling the ungodly amount of green lights. Pansy wanted this party to be epic for Emma, this is the first girl that was willing to be her friend and she planned to impress.

Pansy was just finishing up hanging the lights when the boys came in causing chaos already.

"The fun has arrived!" Enzo yells walking through the threshold holding two cases of beer. Blaise came in next rolling in the big speaker in one hand and another case of beer in the other. Theo and Matteo rolled in two kegs while Draco came in holding bags full of cups and snacks., of course he would find the most menial task.

Pansy's chest filled with a sense of happiness. These boys of hers truly were some of the best guys she's ever known. They would drop anything and everything for her if she uttered a word. She's never known a love like that, these weird chaotic boys were her's a shame not everyone could let go of preconceived notions of who they were and see them for what they truly were...incredible.

"Do you think Emma will like the party?" Pansy asked them.

Matteo plops down on the common room couch. Enzo jumps on him sitting on his lap, wrapping his arms around Matteo before giving him a peck on the cheek. They both laugh hysterically before Enzo hops off him and goes to help set out the snacks.

Pansy rolled her eyes at them, they were always goofing off together.

"Of course Pans. She'll love it" Theo reassures her. Pansy's heartbeat quickens before she quickly turns around to hid her blush creeping up her cheeks.

"I just want everything to be perfect." Pansy says trying to keep herself busy and not Theo's close proximity.

"Is the golden trio invited?" Matteo asked which surprised the group stopping them in their tracks turning their attention to him.

"Harry is her brother" he says nonchalantly.

"Shit, do you think I should have invited them?" Pansy asks, panic starting to set in.

Matteo has never seen her this worried about impressing someone before. It was sort of strange seeing the unbothered girl being so bothered.

"Don't invite them." Emma states at the top of the steps. Matteo's eyes instantly went to her watching her walk down the flight of stairs before stepping into the common room.

"Wow this looks amazing." She smiles looking around the greenly lite room. Pansy felt a swell of pride at her comment.

"You don't want to invite your brother?" Enzo asked her surprised.

Emma had already known she didn't want her brother or his friends there. It wasn't that she didn't want to see them, even if she was still angry with him. She wanted to let loose, she wanted to enjoy herself. She didn't want to look over her shoulder to make sure her brother wasn't judging her, which he would.

That was the difference between Emma and Harry, Emma wasn't the good girl everyone assumed she was...not like her brother.

"If my brother comes I won't be able to enjoy myself..." Emma's eyes lock on to Matteo's "he's not exactly happy with my choice in friends."

War, Love, and Riddle //Matteo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now