***I Am Here***

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You turned the corner too fast, feet tangling together and you hit the wet concrete of the alleyway hard, letting out a pained cry as your body slid across the rough surface. Tears sprang to your eyes at the sting of raw skin on your palms and elbows. You scrambled to your feet and felt panic set in. 

No. NO! I can't lose my head start or else he's definitely going to....

A large shadow suddenly blocked the light of the empty alley and your heart drop to your stomach. You turned to see the unbelievably imposing figure of the Number One Hero in the world staring down at you. Though his unwavering smile remained solidly fixed...his eyes were dark and serious. You felt like throwing up.

This wasn't how it was supposed to go!

It was just a stupid dare!  You had wanted to fit into their clique so badly that you were willing to do nearly anything just to get them to just acknowledge you even existed! 

Starting the 6th grade in the middle of the school year in a new city meant you had no friends. You had tried so hard to find a group of friends, but junior high was a brutal time for any kid. You were just so lonely. It didn't help that you had this stupid Empathy quirk that none of the kids understood. They basically considered you Quirkless because no one could see Empathy. If only they knew the curse of it. 

You felt and held onto everyone's emotions. You could be the best friend in the world because you'd always understand what someone was feeling and going through...but no one ever bothered to try and understand you. They all went off in their little groups, showing off their quirks and laughing at you behind your back.

So you remained alone...and you had become truly desperate. Even though you KNEW they were only trying to get you into trouble, when the group of popular students unexpectedly came and sat with you at your empty table during lunch, you pushed your quirk away and revelled in their company. They chatted with you, asked about your last school, what your hobbies were (purely to ease you into the dare, you knew). They talked about this convenience store they liked to hang out around after school and invited you along today. Then they brought up the "little initiation" they all had to do before joining the group. 

"You won't get into trouble, promise! We just want to make sure you really want to be our friend!"

FRIENDS. I don't care who they are or what their real motivations are. I just want to belong for once. 

And now here you were, staring down the strongest hero in the world, who was coming after you for stealing.

On television, All Might's presence always made you feel protected, secure, comforted. His triumph over criminals made him seem like a beacon of light, warming you with hope and peace.

But his shadow falling upon you...the criminal...was the complete opposite. Complete despair, hopelessness, and fear filled every inch of you as stood facing All Might in that lone alley, the money box you were dared to steal from the store still clutched in your arm. 

The shadow suddenly grew larger as he took a step towards you. You actually felt a tremor in the ground. Panic overwhelmed your senses and you took a step back, crying out.

"Stop!! Don't come near me!!"

All-Might's eyes narrowed a fraction as he took another tremorous step.

"Young person," he began, his voice deep and strong. "Stop this careless, immature thievery. You have a hopeful future ahead of you that is bright with possibilities. Do not throw it away with this moment of youthful recklessness. Give me the box and let's rectify this mistake together."

***I Am Here*** (All-Might x Reader Discipline Fic) SFWWhere stories live. Discover now