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Scene: Collége Françoise Dupont.

The teachers and their students could hear the blaring noises of an ambulance outside the building, including the Akuma class.

Curious and slightly alarmed, they all exited their respective classrooms to see what was going on. They went down to the courtyard, wondering why an emergency vehicle was outside the premises.

They were shocked to see a female paramedic guiding Kalianna into the back of the ambulance. Adrien and Giselle stood near the vehicle with worried looks, and Nurse Sissy spoke with the male paramedic about Kalianna's condition.

The said noirette staggers, holding her head. "I feel dizzy," She told the paramedic.

"It's okay, we're taking you to the hospital," The redhead woman says, helping her into the medical bed.

The noirette then notices a crowd of students and teachers gazing at her at the school entrance, including her shocked class.

'Why are they so surprised? They're the reason why I'm in here,' Kalianna thought bitterly.

She notices Lila give her a smirk and a taunting wave and glared harshly at her, then winced when she felt a headache coming on, and she held her forehead.

"Thank you for telling us about her condition, please inform her parents we're taking her to Saint-Joseph Hospital," The male paramedic tells Nurse Sissy. She nods and he goes into the ambulance, closing the doors.

The vehicle starts up, letting out blaring emergency sounds as it drove away.

Tears filled Adrien's eyes, and Giselle patted his shoulder, assuring him his girlfriend would be alright.


Scene: School Courtyard.

"We tried to go with her, but the paramedics told us unless we were a relative, we couldn't come," Adrien somberly explains to Kalianna's friends, sitting on a bench with Giselle.

"What did the nurse say about her health?" Mireille inquires.

Giselle sighs. "She said Kalianna is overstressing, meaning she's overwhelmed with stress, that's why she's been getting dizziness and headaches,"

Everyone felt sympathy for their Korean friend.

"Poor Kalianna, I hope she'll be alright in the hospital," Aurore frowns sadly.

"This is all Lila and her stupid sheeps fault, and Miss Bustier too! She just put all the blame on Kalianna instead and defending Lila!" Marinette says.

"What a lousy teacher, she needs to be fired," Maya rolls her eyes.

Nino came approaching just then. "Guys," He addressed, coming to Keisha's side. "Everybody's talking about what happened this morning, some are even assuming Kalianna's got a mental illness,"

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