Chapter 1

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It's 5 am, I'm getting ready for freshman year of high school. I couldn't sleep all night. I'm scared but on the other side I'm very excited, you know, it's something new. New subjects, friends and you know, maybe I'll find boyfriend. I'm fifteen so I think I still have time to be in some relationship, but I can't wait for someone that'll give me the love I've always dreamed of. "Alice, are you awake?" my mom yells at me from the other side of our flat. "Yes, I couldn't sleep!" I yell back. My mom doesn't have driven license so we're taking the bus, that's why I'm awake so early.
I stand up and go straight in to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I'm so nervous that I won't be able to eat until I get home later.
I put on jeans, rainbow t-shirt and a hoodie. I'm not overdressing for my first day of school.
When we get to the bus stop, all I see is bunch of strangers waiting for the same bus as me. There are some people I know, but it's two to three people.
The bus is late, great.

We got there and still had some time to go get some food but my stomach was still saying no to the food. So instead I was waiting for some friends in front of the school so that I'm not going inside alone.
The school is so beautiful outside and inside. I can't wait to spend here four years with girls I love the most.
I sat next to Nicole, I've known her for like 9 years, so I know I'm safe next to her.
I wish my best friend, Tess, was here with me. I got so use to seeing her every single day, anytime I wanted and now I'll see her at least twice a month. I'm so scared of loosing her. She's everything I have, no one can replace her. We do everything together, sharing our secrets, our love for one another, our sadness, passion, life and many more things. I love her so much, I can't live without her.
     "Hello everyone, I'm miss Lucy and I'll be your class teacher for the next four years," the teacher snaps me out of my thoughts.

     3 months later

     I'm sitting in the classroom with my girls and we're just having a normal conversation.
*Tap Tap* someone tapped on my shoulder so I turn my head. "Excuse me?" I asked him. "Hey can get you instagram?" he asks back. What's happening? What do I do? Should I give it to him? Should I not? Will I regret it?
So many questions runs through my head.
I turn my head back to look at the girls. I can't read their expressions so I panicked and turn back at him. I feel a lump growing in my throat. "S-Sure" I stutter. He gave me his phone. I find myself and gave it back. "Omg" I whispered to the girls. I've never had boy that asked me for anything like this.
      Later that day, while I'm sitting in my seat and listening to the teacher I hear buzzing. I looked at my phone. Someone texted me. I checked if the teacher is looking at me. Save. I looked back at the phone. Some Jacob texted me. I opened it and it's the guy who asked me for my instagram. The text says "Hey, do you wanna hang out sometime?" I immediately showed it to my friend Nicole. "Omg, yes, say yes." She answered immediately after she read the text.
I take a deep breather a write back. "Okay, sure, why not" I closed the phone tried to pay attention again.

    I'm home studying and I get another text. "How about Friday? Are you free?" Jacob asked. "Yes I'm free, when and where would we meet up?" my heart is racing.
"Is 1 pm cool? I would picked you up in school" wow gentleman. "Yeah it's cool" did I just agreed to a stranger boy, who I spoke to once in my life to go out with him? Wow, that's crazy.
It's Monday so I have full week to get my shit together. 
     I immediately texted my best friend. "Tess! Guess what" I don't think she see this coming.
"What?" She asks back.
"This boy from my school asked me out, he's year older, very tall like 6'4 and he plays hockey" I just spilled the tea right away.
"You're kidding right, send picture rn!"
I go on his page and search for his face.
"Nooo" she responds. Now I'm worried a bit.
"What?!" I ask.
"You can't be serious"
"What, why?" What does she mean by that.
"He's ugly, but at least he plays hockey"
"He's not that ugly, what are you saying" a fight back.
"He is."
I don't responded to that.
"You deserve better"
Maybe she's right, but I don't know yet, I'll give him the chance.
     The next day I told everything to my friends but Victoria didn't seem excited like everyone else. I let it go because I don't want to have any drama.

  It's Friday 9 am, I'm sitting in class and I get text.
"Hey I can't today, can we go different day?" I was so excited, well now I'm not.
"What happened?" Nicole asked. "Oh, uhh. Nothing, just Jacob just canceled our plans," I'm kind of disappointed, but at least I won't be nervous.
So I text back. "Sure"
"Okay how about Thursday?" He answers.
"Fine" I want him to see my disappointment.
"I'm sorry but I just found out I have to help my grandpa with something" what a lie.
"Yeah, I get it" that's first red flag.
"Maybe he's not lying," Nicole says. "Really? Help his grandpa at 1 pm?" So naive "And he just found out?" He couldn't make up something better? "Yeah, you're right," she agrees.

Later that day
  *Tess <3 sent a text*
I click on it.
"So?" That's it?
"So what?" I ask back.
"How was it?"
"How was what?"
"You're date?" Oh god. It wasn't suppose to be date.
"It didn't happened, he had to help his grandfather"
"Liar" finally someone who thinks that too.
I love her. We always have the same thoughts.
"Hey wanna hang out this weekend?" She asks.
"'Em? Yes? Is that even question" I miss her so badly. "Okay see you tomorrow at 2 pm at our spot" I'm so excited to see her.
     I close the phone and tagged myself in to bed. Today was interesting day so I can't wait for it to be over. I close my eyes and imagine what could happen if he didn't cancel anything. Soon enough I fell asleep.

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