Chapter 2

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    It's Thursday 4 pm and I'm waiting for Jacob in front of school. My heart is beating so fast I think it's gonna explode. I here loud footsteps behind me so I turn around. I see him walking slowly towards me and I feel like I'm gonna pass out. He's 6'4 and I'm 5 feet tall so there really big difference. His brown eyes are looking straight into mine, his curls are messy and before I noticed he standing right in front of me.
   "Hey," his deep voice is even deeper than I remember. "H-Hi," god I can't even say a word to him. He laughs. "Where will we go?" He asks. I don't live here. I only know my way to school and back to bus. "I don't know, you tell me," am I flirting?
"Well I don't care," really? God can you be at least a little more creative. "I don't know any places here so it's up to you," god I think I already regret this meeting. "Well, when is your last bus going?" Shit I don't know. "I think 5:15" that's what my mom said to me. "Okay then we can go into park," typical.
"Yeah sure, why not," what else should I say.
"Sooo, how are you?" I'm surprised he's talking to me. "I'm good, you? How are you?" I ask back.
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Cool," god help me. I'm praying.
       We're walking and no one says a word.
"So how was school?" I break the silence.
"What?" Goodness, do I really have to repeat myself? "I said how was school?" Let's pray he's listening.
"Oh fine, you?" So you have better answers?
"Yeah it was fine, but I had this very big test so I'm hoping I did good on it," please talk, I don't wanna be the only one who is taking.
"Okay," that it? Really?
I checked the time and saw that it's almost 5 so I think we should start going back to the bus stop.
"Hey, should we go back? It's almost 5," I'm still not sure if any bus is going so I decided to check.
"Yeah sure we c-," before he finishes he's sentence I started panicking. "Oh god, there's no bus runs anymore," he laughs. "That's not funny."
"Then take the train," smart.
"Will you go with me?" I don't know where is it.
"Of course and we can go to restaurants before," he says it so calmly.

    "What do you want?" He asks me when we get to the restaurant. "Oh, can you get me black tea please," I want something worm cause outside it's getting pretty cold. He doesn't say anything and goes to order it. While I'm waiting I go sit at some table and text my mom that I'll take the train.
"Here you go," he puts the tea in front of me and sit across from me. He got himself a black coffee.
"So tell me something about you," me? Tell him something about me? "What do you wanna hear?" I ask back. "Anything," he pulls this annoying smirk on his face.
"Well, I don't know what to tell you," does he think he looks cute? Cause he for sure does not.
"How good are you in school? Favorite color, subject, food, the classic things," okay fine, that's nice he wants to get to know me. "Okay, well, I think I doing good at school, my favorite color is green, or blue. Subject? Emm, I think math? On English. Food, I don't know. I don't like much food. And also I have to warn you, that I crazy obsession with Harry Styles. Your turn," I'm being hundred percent honest.
"I'm not good at school, color, I don't know, subject, probably gym, food, some meat and I don't like Harry I don't remember his last name." Okay mister 'I'm better than you' i didn't ask for your opinion on Harry.
"What ever, I don't care what anyone thinks about him," that's not true.
He raised his hands like he's defending himself.
"I think we should go," i said after I finished my tea. "I think so too."
I grabbed my coat while he went to pay.

"Thank you for today," he said before I entered the train. "Yeah, me too," I thanked back.
"Well, I gotta go so see you," I raised my hand and waved at him.
"Bye!" He yelled back.
When the door closed, I was happy that it was over. You know that feeling when you meet someone new and you have to go through hell before you get comfortable with them. I. Hate. It.
   You know, it wasn't the worst, but it wasn't the best 'date' I've ever had. I don't even mind I went somewhere with him. Maybe I seemed like unhappy with things and how was it going, but I had worst. For example when was waiting for my boyfriend 2 hours on Valentine, outside. This was, I would say, mid.
     But I can't wait to be finally home. I'm so tired. I find empty seat and sit on it.
Who could that possibly be?
"Thank you for today, I really enjoyed it and here's my snap Jacob19 so you can add me" oh, I think he really likes me.
"Yeah it was nice, thanks" I go and add him on my snap.

      I got home and jumped right into my bed. I'm so tired. All i can think of is him and what happened. He's cute but do I see myself next to him in the future? I don't know yet. I gotta get to know him better. I got up and went straight into the shower.
     I need to stop thinking about him. So I went into my bed and opened my laptop. I play my favorite show 'The Summer I Turned Pretty' so I would focus on something else. Well, I worked for a while but he texted me again.
"Hey I know we don't know each other that well but I really like you and really want to get to know you" wow, my heart is racing again. Is this real life? Is this really happening? I can't believe it. What do I say back? I don't know if I like him like that too. "Thank you for saying that, that's really nice of you and I want to get to know you more too" i hope he won't get mad, that I didn't said I like him too. We met once so I won't have any feelings for him yet but maybe I will one day. Who knows right.
Well, im happy but I wanna be happier so I texted my guy best friend, Andrew.
"Hello my friend" he was here for me all the time when I needed someone. He knows how to make me laugh. He knows me all too well.
"What's up" he says back.
"Nothing, I just missed you, so I wanted to chat"
"Okayyy, how are you today?" Aw, be so nice.
"Actually, pretty good, what about you?"
"Yeah, it's good, what were you doing today?" He always knows what to say.
"I was out with a friend from my school, what were you doing?"
"You know, every day is the same"
"Hey, you wanna hang out at Saturday?" I miss him, so I had to ask him.
"Yess, why not, haven't seen you in a while"
"Okaay. Well, I'll go to sleep, so have a great rest of the day"
"Yeah, I'll go to" as always.
"Good night"
"Night night" it's always his cute 'Night night' that makes my night even better.
I know that if anything happens I can go to him. I remember when I was crying and he was so worried and come over.
Now my mind is full of Andrew. I close my eyes and try to clear my mind. Before I even begin I fell asleep. It's probably because I want Friday to happen so fast that I can be already with Andrew.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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