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Will groaned as a ray of sunshine found it's way to his eyes. His head turned before burying into the pillow. Jamie's fingertips gently moved through his hair.

"Bub it's half one." He looked over at her blinking the sleep away.

"What?" She laughed lightly before her lips pressed to his cheek. He didn't even remember falling asleep in her bed and now it was after one in the afternoon. "Bloody hell how did I even get here?" He felt her adjust on the bed before her fingertips moved down his spine.

"You don't even remember the pizza do you?" He shook his head before she chuckled as her head moved to rest next to his. "Should've made you sleep earlier." He shook his head.

"I want to spend as much time as I can with you. Sleeping is not spending time with you." He said as his eyes met hers. Her fingertips gently moved to stray along his cheek drawing a sigh.

"Bub you needed the sleep. I did too. Woke up less than an hour ago." He looked at her. He knew she was an earlier riser whereas he slept for whatever his body would let him. Some times it would be two hours, other nights he could sleep for eighteen. Last nights was one of those nights where nothing could've woken him.

"We're not doing a damn thing today." She shook her head as he felt her curl into him. Without any hesitation he carefully turned before she was pulled into him. Mornings were typically the only time she got to cuddle with him but she could tell today was going to be different and she absolutely could not wait. As his lips pressed to her temple, hers pressed against his neck. Without a second thought his arms wrapped around her and she instantly melted into him. Her legs tangled with his as her lips met his jaw.

"Order or make food?" She asked after the longest time. His hand ran along her side.

"Whatever you fancy Stunner." She didn't even hesitate to reach over him grabbing her phone from the table. What she didn't expect was to feel his lips press along her cheek and jaw as his hand slipped under her waistband coming to rest along the curve of her ass. She didn't even hesitate. Her phone was set back down before her lips connected with his. She moved over him as she felt both of his hands grab her ass causing her to gasp. When he chuckled against her lips he could feel her nails run along his chest.

Will didn't even skip a beat. His hands slipped from beneath Jamie's shorts before sliding under her shirt and landing along her hips. She was on her back before she even realized it, laughter escaping her lips. As his lips began to trail along her jaw he could feel her arms wrap around his neck.

"You know I always feel like I'm going to crush you when you do this." He commented causing her to laugh lightly as her lips pressed to his cheek.

"You could never Bub." She said as her hand moved to the back of his neck. "Want to go get some food Love?" She said after the longest time. She didn't even need an answer, his stomach growling loudly told her all she needed to know. "Come on then...." Before she could even attempt to slide out from beneath him, his hands slipped to her thighs. As he got up and out of the bed she came along with him as laugher escaped her lips. Her arms wrapped around his neck as her lips pressed to his cheek. "I love you." His lips met her shoulder as he carried her down the stairs.

"I love you Paige." She could see a smile appear along his lips as she hugged him. "You have no idea how hard it was to keep it all from you but bloody hell was it worth it." She nodded. Carefully she was set on the counter before their eyes met. Jamie's hands slipped to cup his face, her thumbs gently running along his cheeks. "I'm sorry for lying to you." A soft smile appeared along her lips as she lightly laughed.

"Don't every be sorry for surprising me Will." Her lips pressed to his cheek before he nodded. "So...." He pulled away slightly so their eyes could meet. "I don't know how much is in the fridge...."

"You've been eating out haven't you?" When she turned red Will shook his head. He knew she didn't cook much. That was his thing. When they lived together in Japan she had found out that his other skill besides wrestling was cooking and he was amazing at it. It was one of the things she absolutely missed when he was gone because she could burn water if she looked away. "Well that's changing Stunner. I'll figure out something with what you got and then I'll order some groceries later." Her lips found their way to his. "Proper roast for dinner?" As she groaned he chuckled. "I'll take that as a yes." Her lips pressed to his once more.

"Please Bub. It has been ages." He lightly laughed before nodding.

"Of course Love. You want anything specific all you've got to do is say the word love." He tried to pull away only to be stopped by her hand on his shirt. "I was just going to see...." He was cut off by her lips pressing against his.

This time Will didn't even skip a beat. His hand slipped to the curve of Jamie's ass while the other tangled in her hair. As she was pulled into him her hands began to move along his torso. Her hands slipped to his shoulders before he could feel her nails run down his chest. She deepened the kiss when he couldn't help the moan that slipped from his lips. His hand slid into her shorts grabbing her ass as he completely closed the distance between their bodies.

Jamie's fingers tangled in his hair just as Will lightly bit down on her lower lip. They both knew each other too well. She tugged on his hair causing him to tug on her lip. Moans filled the kitchen before their eyes met. He could feel her legs wrap around his waist. His eyes closed, a moan seeping from his lips as her hips moved perfectly along his. When his eyes opened he could see her biting back her moan. His hand slipped from her hair to her jaw before her lip was freed.

Jamie's eyes met Wills before flicking to the doorway. They both knew exactly what the other wanted. It had been eight long months. Her words made him once again lift her off the counter.

"Bed, now."

Drink the Haterade (Jamie Hayter X Will Ospreay)Where stories live. Discover now