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Jamie adjusted and she could hear Will groan before his arms tightened around her. Her hands found their way into his hair as her lips pressed to his forehead.

"Go back to sleep." He grumbled earning a light laugh from her.

"Twas planing on it Muppet." His face buried into her before a long sigh left his lips. Neither cared to look at a clock. They just wanted to sleep the morning away together. He could feel her nose bury into his hair just as he fell back to sleep. She followed quickly behind him.

Both of them were awoken by banging on the door. Will jumped before groaning as Jamie slipped her way out from beneath him. As she went to get the door she could see him burying into her pillow. Just as the banging started against she opened the door just barely dodging Toni Storms fist.

"What?" Jamie asked coming off bitchier than she expected.

"You said we were getting breakfast. I'm sorry for interrupting your much needed beauty sleep." Toni replied back before she saw Jamie bite the inside of her cheek. That's when she looked down and saw Jamie in a shirt that was definitely not hers. A knowing smirk crossed her lips. "Who do you have in there?" Before Jamie could even try and stop her Toni was pushing past her and into the room. "No fucking way." Wills head flicked towards the familiar voice before he groaned and it fell back into the pillow.

"Always so bloody nosy aren't ya Toni?" They both could hear his words. He was as good of friends with Toni as she was with Jamie.

"Oh bug off would you. Yous are some of my best fucking friends and yous couldn't even tell me." Toni looked between both of them as she spoke. Will groaned pulling himself off of the mattress. He grabbed his hoodie on the nightstand and slid it over his body as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"The less people that know the better." He said as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "You know we love you to death Toni but it was just easier."

"How easy was it really hiding it from me?" He chuckled at Toni's words.

"Pretty bloody easy Love." He said as Jamie moved towards him. They both knew there was no point hiding it from her anymore. Her arm wrapped around his shoulders as she felt him lean into her. His eyes closed as his forehead met her shoulder.

"So how long exactly?" Toni's eyes met Jamie's.

"A year and a half." She looked at him as he continued to get heavier along her. "You bloody Muppet I swear if you fall asleep on me."

"I'm not." The sleep flowing through his voice told the truth.

"So not when you lived in Japan with him?" They both shook their heads at Toni's words.

"Didn't want to make it awkward. But after I moved out we both realized it wasn't the same." Toni shook her head in disbelief.

"I honestly would've thought longer. But it's about bloody time you admitted it." Jamie's eyes met hers.

"Toni please don't say a word to anyone." The blonde immediately shook her head.

"Yous know I'd never do that to you. It's just about bloody time and I'm happy for yous. Always thought you'd come to your senses at some point." Will chuckled at her words before he felt Jamie's fingertips run lightly along the back of his neck. "Yous want to go and get some brekkie?"

"Yous can go. I need some more sleep. This bloody jet lag is killing me." Jamie knew Will was trying to deflect. But as she looked at Toni she knew it wasn't working.

"We'll get you some coffee dipstick. Come on now." Jamie bit the inside of her cheek. They both preferred to stay in rather than going out to eat. Made it a lot easier for them both to not have to hide their feelings in public. "I can bring Juice along." Will chuckled.

"You trying to make it look like a double date Love?" Jamie couldn't help but laugh at his words. She had been thinking the same thing.

"Oh fuck off yous. Everyone knows your friends nobody will suspect a thing. It'll just look like old friends catching up." When Will heard Jamie sigh he knew Toni had won. She always had that was of sweet talking Jamie.

"Go get Juice but I swear to you Toni...." The blonde chuckled.

"I know. You'll chop my tits off again. You want to meet us there or down in the lobby?" Jamie looked at Will for a moment.

"We'll meet in the lobby. No point in driving separate." Toni nodded before looking between the two of them a cheeky smile across her lips. "Oh fuck off would you. You're lucky Britt found out or I would've actually stopped you." Will pulled away from Jamie slightly so he could look at her. "Yeah next time you take my TV time you should let me know...." He laughed as he shook his head.

"Wait so you told Britt before me?" Jamie could hear the slight hurt in Toni's voice. While Britt and Jamie had become close due to working together constantly, Toni and Jamie had been friends for much longer.

"I didn't plan on it Love...." Will carefully pulled away from Jamie before he looked at Toni.

"We actually planned on telling you first but just wanted to wait a bit longer." Toni's eyes met his and she knew Will was telling the truth.

"Fine I'll give you this one. But I swear to yous. If I'm not the first to hear about anything else...." Toni trailed off before Jamie finished it.

"You'll chop my tits off. I know." Both women laughed at the others words before Jamie pulled away from Will and hugged Toni tightly. "I truly am sorry. We've wanted to tell you from the start it's just been.... How..?" Toni nodded at the blondes words.

"I would hug the Muppet but he doesn't have pants on." Will laughed.

"That's the point Love. Don't want anyone touching me in the morning but her." Toni flicked him off.

"We'll meet yous downstairs." They nodded at her words before Toni left the room.

"You told Britt?" Jamie sighed as she nodded before she moved to cup his face. His arms wrapped around her before she was pulled into him. Her arms slipped around his neck as she felt him lean into her. "It is what it is Stunner." Her lips pressed to the top of his head as she unconsciously let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She had almost expected him to be mad but he was taking it in stride. "You trust them, I trust Toni, Juice couldn't give a flying fuck to share with anyone so it is what it is. Probably should tell Saraya before she bites our heads off."

"Might as well at this point. She find out from someone else she'll go mental on us." He chuckled before nodding. "Want me to see if she wants to come for food?" He shrugged before she reached for her phone. In the group chat she had with Toni and Saraya she invited the other English woman along who quickly agreed.

"I hope you know I'm not moving until...." She knew exactly where he was going. Her phone was dropped to the bed before her arms draped over his shoulders as their lips connected. Their lips moved in a slow but passionate kiss. She could feel his hands slip beneath her shirt to rest along her hips as she leaned into him. She disconnected their lips before pulling him into a tight hug. Jamie could feel Wills lips press along her cheek trailing towards her ear. "I love you Paige."

"I love you too Will."

Drink the Haterade (Jamie Hayter X Will Ospreay)Where stories live. Discover now