3. Princess

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This was quite possibly the worst idea she had had in her entire life.

Aurora stared at the drooping "thing" in her hands. It was what appeared to be a few sticks of straw sticking out of a mangled looking sock.

It formed an X shape, meant to represent limbs (two arms and two legs) with two little protrusions sticking out from either end (one for a head and the other for Damien's...)

The doll, if you could call it a doll, looked like a skewered X chromosome. If a skewered X chromosome could shed skin like a snake.

Aurora looked at her creation with disgust and tossed it into a box lying under her table.

Actual hobbies suck, I'll just go back to being horny. She huffed.


The next day, Aurora had already forgotten all about her fiasco with her first monstrosity.

Brimming with a need for artistic expression, she set herself up to the task of trying again.

As expected, the doll looked like a crucified starfish.

She went to bed with numb fingers.

Aurora woke up with one thing on her mind, learning how to make dolls.

She went to bed thinking she could try again the next day.

And the next...

And the next...

The pile of terribly taxidermied walking sticks (walking sticks can't even get taxidermied) grew in her box, but there was a slight improvement with every iteration.

After a week and a half of sitting hunched over her desk, frantically searching through the mess of material on her desk, Aurora had drastically gotten better at making dolls.

She was by no means good, but she'd gotten way faster at making dolls, and they resembled humans if humans were the shape of potatoes with balloons for heads and had every single bone in their arms and legs broken.

Aurora glanced at the date and was taken aback.

"It's almost fall?"

Summer had seemed to drag on forever, she hadn't even noticed that there were only two weeks left before she had to move out to college.

And then I get to see Damien. She thought.

In person Damien was much hotter, and much more intimidating than imagination Damien.

In person Damien gave off a strong aura, and could freeze someone in their tracks with a single look. Imagination Damien was softer, gentler, and more playful than the silent real one.

She didn't know which Damien she preferred.

Both were hot in their own way.

Aurora looked at her calendar for a while, thinking about how much time she had left before school began. She'd give herself another week to mess around with dolls before she began packing and preparing for school.


Aurora left the house carrying out the final box of her stuff. She let out a huge sigh of relief and she roughly dropped it into the trunk of her car. She'd been carrying boxes out to her car for the past hour and every inch of her body screamed at her for making it lift so many things.

She circled back into the house one more time out of pure habit before remembering that she had just put everything into her car.

Her eyes landed on the mess on her table.

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