Chapter 14

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3rd pov
They all made it to the beach and got out the car storm is sleeping on Nashi  lap "icey wake up" she gently shake him he didn't budge

Her nerves was clicking so she shove him off her lap he fell on the floor head first "the fuck you did that for" he said rubbing his head

"Hmph" was all she said she start running to catch up with the girls "seem like you two is getting along" reiki said walking up to storm

"We friends that all nothing more nothing less" was all storm said

Nashi pov
"Soo what up between you and my brother huh huh huh?" Sylivia ask nudging my shoulder I just laugh a bit "n-nothing t-to big you know"

She gave me a look I just ignored it all the girls is just laying on the beach chairs we tanning under the sun until

I felt cold all of a sudden very cold to be exact and I look up and see storm right in my way "get out the way you ice head" I yelled

I look to my right because I hear squeal and screams and the girls boyfriend is taking them to the ocean oh my god for one I can't swim

I see cooler breath having a smug smirk on his face "don't. you. dare." I said sternly for he can hear giving him my best glare

That didn't work because he grab my waist I blushed a little and then he threw me over his shoulders and ran to the water

"LET ME GO YOU ICE POP"I say while kicking my legs but he seem to not even care"IM GETTING TIRED OF YOUR INSULT YOU LAVA TEETH"he yelled back then he threw me and the water

Not knowing i cant swim I can feel my feet slipping away and my head going underneath oh my god is I'm gonna drown

Before I can even go deeper under I feel his arms around my waist I'm gasping for the new fresh air

"Didn't know " was all he said while I heavily panting on his chest he caressing my hair then he took me to shore 'yay I can now yell at him without thinking about drowning' "you ass" I said angrily pushing

Him "my bad I didn't know" he said he sounded sincere but I'm just too mad to even look at him I just walked off angrily

Storm pov
Damn I made her mad didn't I shit why did I throw her in the first damn place and why am I so worried

Why did I apologize? It been awhile since I seen her walk away I should head with the others I made it to the others they all eating

So. I joined "what took you so long I was worried"sylivia said glaring "eh a little...........walk" I said unsurely

"A little walk you say" ash budge in I just ignore everyone I look at nash she still upset what wrong with her she acting as if I killed her

I just grab a pizza and a soda once we was done
Eating it was time to go as I was walking Nash bump into me but she kept walking"such a crybaby" I said coldly I guess we back to our old ways

She then flipped me off. when we got in the car it was dead silence between me and her all you can hear is the others couples talking

I took this as a chance to go to sleep

Nashi pov
I didn't expect him to be cold to me so quickly I was about to say something to his as I was walking away but he beat me to it hearing him say that hurted me

He never apologize either but I see he acting how he usually use to act I see him falling to sleep at the corners of my eyes

"What going on now"Emma whispered she is the most observant one out of the girls I just shook my head ni hoping she'll understand

Look I know I'm dramatic but what you expect from a girl he been treated as a princess her whole life with brothers and a father that'll go to war for you

You is going to expect everything I still have feelings you know and the thing is why I'm mad at storm so much right now

I doing want to admit it but I'm in love with him his smiles his hair his personality the way he say my name it bring butterflies to my stomach

Thinking about him being with another girl make me want cry I'm the most vulnerable too him he the only one that has ever seen my weakness

I love storm fullbuster but do he feel the same I doubt it

We finnaly make it to sylivia house everyone got out and went inside i went up stairs to get my stuff I got to leave since there school tomorrow

I then hear footsteps coming from behind me it sylivia "no just stay I got extra uniform please stay because the rest of them is leaving" sylivia whine

"You just want me to stay because you want tibbe with your boyfriendddd"I teased she blushed im glad my brother still got the affect on her

"Sure I'll stay one night ok"I replied she was so happy and start hugging me

"Since you already slept in my brother room c-can you sleep there again me and a-ash want to sleep t-together" she said shyly

Anything but storm room I refuse "sylivia me and cooler breath anit on good terms right now so can you beat with me" I said sadly

She understand where I coming from "what did he do can you atleast tell me "no it just something I got mad at for no reason it nothing "I smiled

"I'm not. Going to push you but if you want to talk please tell me I'm here remember you not alone" she said to me I'm thankful to have a bestfriend like her

I slide in bed and doze off to dreamland dreaming about a raven hair stripper

Storm pov
"You staying again"I ask ash who making himself a home in MY room when there a guest room downstairs

"Yea your sister force me speaking of sisters what did you do to mines I can't help but to notice that she sad all of a sudden I'm really trying my best

To not yelled or hit you right now if I'm being honest I know I cause her tears but I'm willing to lay for those tears i shed" ash ask I told him how I threw

Her in the ocean of course I left out the fact I'm being cold and ignoring her ion want to pick a fight

Right now "Nashi being sad because of that eh"was all he said it was quiet for a few then my eyes began to get heavy and I shut my eyes tight and went to dreamland

I wonder can I hurt her further then I already done you know ace I hate to see her that way also I thought

I wonder can I hurt her further then I already done you know ace I hate to see her that way also I thought

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