Chapter 18

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Nashi pov
I really didn't even want to say yes but to get storm off my mind it what so ever I had seen a note on my desk it say 'meet me in the hallways'

The handwriting was neat I think it that boy who ask me out but it look like a girl handwriting at the same

Time so I left the cafeteria to see who this anonymous person is I hit the turn where they told me and walk to the hallway

And when I turn the corner I see storm and some girl not any girl but fey they is full on making out

Did he told her to write it for him just so he can make me mad or he did it to make me cry I don't

Know I let out a heavy sigh and kick the locker I just got to keep my cool it seem to got their attention

Fey smiling looking at me she mouthed 'he will never love you' I don't care but the fact to write a note

How miserable humans can be right storm just looking at me in disappoint I just walk angrily out their view how can he and she

The fuck he want from me I keep walking until I came to a halt by someone grabbing my wrist the only cold hands I know is ...right it is him

Here go this feeling of vulnerability again a tear slip my eye oh my god why am I vulnerable to him why can't I just fake it

I try to get out his grip he wouldn't even budge "l-let me go"I said "not until you listen to me" are he serious listen what there to listen

"Listen what there to listen I already seen everything you wasn't ready to listen to me when I wanted to

explain you didn't want to listen to me when my heart began to break you didn't"I spit care with venom

I felt my feet leaves the ground im too weak to fight right now so I let him take me I'm not weak physically im weak mentally

He then put me on the ground lightly yes lightly he didn't drop me at all

"I didn't care you say I didn't listen I did care I cared even when she first came back I cared that the feeling I have for you is not the same for he but you

Right I didn't listen I didn't listen to myself to begin with I didn't listen to the doubts but I did listen to your cries it hurted me also

I did ignore how you felt because of her but I care now Nash I'm sorry"

Storm pov
It felt like a weight been lifted after saying that I'm truly is sorry I don't apologize to people but I want Nash to forgive me

Damn she still mad at me I was about to say something else but I felt her arms around me

She crying in my chest "y-you baka"she croaked I didn't say nothing just hug her back damn it feel good to have her in my arms again

3rd pov
While they was hugging a certain white hair girl was watching with her 3 friend "lira quiet before they see us"Emma whisper shout

"Oh my god we should tell sylivia about this she has been very sad lately"Rosemary stated

"You right but I think......lira died of fangarling"emma said fanning her rosemary just walk over to lira

And drag her inside the school with emma following along they walk pass an angry fey 'he really move on and he never love me he was pretending ' fey remembering what she told her

Fey was happy that Nashi is mad it brighten her mood the storm move her aside "where you going storm baby that whore just made you move on" fey said storm just look at her

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