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A/N: Warning: Death, trauma and some dark and sensitive topics are in this chapter. I'm putting a warning in case what I write in this chapter is offensive or sensitive to anyone reading. I'm not entirely sure if what you're about to read is very sensitive or offensive, but just in case, I'm putting this here for you guys. Also, certain things I write about certain characters conditions may not be very accurate, so please bear with me.


That was the atmosphere of the house as Noah pulled up to his home after a long shift. Being Sherriff of a small town meant late nights and few things to do. Thankfully, he had his loving wife and kids to come home to. Although, at this point in his life, his wife, Claudia Stilinski had been diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia, and there was no cure. So Noah had a difficult time balancing his focus on work with his worry for his family. Thankfully, he was given the next day off so he could spend time with his family. But his world was about to come crashing down on him.

The instant he exited his car, he heard the sound of Claudia yelling. Noah went on high alert and he rushed into his home. "Claudia!" He scanned his home before seeing Claudia raising a steel frying pan up above her head. 

"Get away from me!" Claudia screamed as she slammed the frying pan down, and Noah head it hit something out of his view. He ran to his wife and grabbed her arms, stopping her from bringing the frying pan down on whatever it was that she hit before again.

"Claudia stop!" Noah yelled. Claudia fought against Noahs grip, trying to get away.

"He's trying to kill me!" Claudia yelled.

"Who?!" Noah asked, turning his head. And that's when his heart stopped. "No." Noah said. Noah let go of his wife and slid next to what Claudia hit. "No, no, no, no, no. Please." Noah begged. He looked at his wife in shock. "What have you done?"

"He tried to kill me!" Claudia screamed, as she raised the frying pan again. Noah lunged forward and held Claudia's arms up and pushed her agains the wall.

"Claudia, you need to stop!" Noah said. Claudia screams slowly ceases as she bean to calm down.

"Noah?"  Claudia said, confused. "When did you get home?" Noah shook his head.

"Dad?" a voice called out to him. Noah looked and saw Stiles, his eight year old son, in his pajamas, standing in the hallway, and his face was filled with fear.

"Stiles, call 911." Noah said, as he knelt next to the body of his youngest. Y/N, his 7 year old son, was on the floor in a puddle of blood with a kitchen knife in his chest and his head bleeding.


Noah stood behind the window of the operating room as he watched the doctors and nurses operate on his youngest. Stiles was with Scott at his house sleeping over, so Noah's undivided attention was on Y/N. His face was hooked up to an oxygen mask as they slowly began to operate on the boy. The knife had been pierced into his chest cavity, so they needed to be careful as to not expand the wound or cause any excess damage. Noah watched them slowly remove the knife as his heart raced. As soon as the tip of the knife was seen, Noah let out a deep breath. However, it was short lived.

Y/N began to convulse, as his pulse skyrocketed. The nurses and doctors began to try and calm him down. Things wouldn't get any better though. Y/N fell still, as his pulse flatlined. The single beep of the heart rate moniter was like a gunshot to the heart, as Noah prayed that is son would come back.

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