Day 4, Friend or Foe.

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 [Early morning, Day 4]

Huh, so I did kill people. But I don't want to kill anyone here.

   "I didn't want to kill anyone." Kirell said to herself.

   "You both aren't looking too great." Argo said, presumably to me and Kirell.

   "Right my dream was just so real," Kirell paused in thought for a few seconds "Argo, could I use your gun for a second?"

   "This must have something to do with your dream. Here you go." Argo said, handing her his gun.

 Once Kirell had held it in her hands for a few seconds it disappeared.

   "Your gun - it's gone!? I... I don't believe it... It came back to me." Argo said.

   "Woah, Kirell. Was that some sort of magic trick? The gun disappeared from your hands and went back to Argo's waist." Hilde said.

"I assume it's another rule that you can't use someone else's item, which I'm happy with since I feel as though these items are roles reserved for the owner of the items."

   "A rule?" Hilde questioned.

   "I saw it as such too, I assume Hilde holding my gun will have the same result." Argo said.

   "Woah! he's right! The gun just vanished from my hands!" Hilde said.

   "I guess Hilde or I won't be able to fight instead of Argo or ______ then." Kirell stated.

   "I appreciate the sentiment, Kirell. But I would think this is a role reserved for me."

   "...If you don't mind, Hilde, please stop taking it.* Argo asked.

  She giggled a bit "Heheh, sorry. It's just so cool how it keeps disappearing. I just wanted to try a few things out." She said throwing it up in the air.

   "Look, I think I can hold it for something like two or three seconds. Plus, it doesn't disappear while it's in the air if you throw it."

[Hilde throws the shotgun up into the air.]

   "But when I catch it out if the air, two or three seconds later, ta-dah!" Hilde said.

   "Woah. You don't wanna be pointing that gun at anything but a target. And don't throw it!" Kirell said.

   "Kirell is right. You should never point a gun at a comrade - even if it's not loaded. And throwing a gun is dangerous - it could go off." Argo explained.

   "Really?" Hilde asked.

   "Yes, it's very important, and I do hope you don't forget." Argo said.

   "Right, I'm sorry! It won't happen again!" Hilde apologized.

   "Anyways, Kirell. That must've been some dream - for you to ask to try out my gun first thing in the morning." Argo said.

   "I think I was killing people in my dream. And I was really good at it..." Kirell explained.

   "Which is why you wanted to test your skills on my gun. It was only a few seconds but your posture was absolutely perfect." Argo said.

   "So, Kirell. Do you think you might have been in the military or a contract killer or something like that?" Hilde asked.

   "Contract killer sounds about right." Kirell said.

   "As I expected. This shotgun is a relatively close-range weapon. Kirell has experience shooting a gun in the city or on the streets. Is that correct?"

7 Days, Argo x Gender neutral readerWhere stories live. Discover now