XIX | Crazy

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1,757 words


little tw for bullying and harassment (homophobia) - i'll put *** before and after<3


minho had been sitting in his homeroom classroom for the past half an hour.

it finally dawned on him how bad it would be if he got an std.

he couldn't afford the medication for it.

his leg was shaking, his hands were sweaty, his heart was racing.

minho was debating whether or not he'd tell his mum before he gets the results back from the test.

he decided not to.

he'd tried to take his mind off the previous twelve hours of his life and finished off some half down assignments and homework.

the entire time, he hadn't looked at the time until just before the bell rang and students had already started coming in bit by bit.

he closed his laptop and put it in his old, worn out, pathetic school bag and sat back in his chair.

suddenly, the bell rings throughout the entire school and the rest of the students come piling in, including jisung, felix, chan and haneul, much to minho's dismay.

felix and jisung walked over to minho and sat down loudly.

"ugh, i'm so fucking tired. i swear i'm going to kill mr kwon. he gives out way too much homework!" felix whined.

jisung just rolled his eyes.

"at least you don't have mr wang, okay? you're lucky he even gives you time to work on assignments and shit. mr wang gives us fuck all." jisung argued as he clung to minho's arm and laid his head on his shoulder.

felix just scoffed and slumped back in his chair, crossing his arms.

"whatever. min, you didn't answer any of our calls last night, what happened?" felix spoke up, suddenly changing the subject.

minho blinked a few times before sighing and simply shrugging his shoulders.

"i don't know-"

jisung gasped.

"you're not telling us something!" he said loudly as he sat up to look directly at the boy.

minho scoffed.

"no i'm not-"

"your lips are literally apart. you only keep your lips apart when you're lying." felix pressed, leaning forward towards minho.

minho just scoffed nervously and looked away.

"it's personal, okay?" minho mumbled.

"when has that ever stopped you from sharing your weirdness?" jisung laughed.

minho glared at him and jisung that raised his arms in defence.

"okay, okay! i'll shut up!" jisung panicked.

"thank you-"

"but, min, if something is really bothering you, tell someone- your mum at least, okay? you know we won't judge you, right?" felix said, suddenly getting all deep.

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