XXVI | Friends

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so wholesome😅


for minho, the last couple of days were amazing.

hyunjin, felix and him had finally figured out their choreography and now just had to memorise it in time for the school talent show.

haneul was officially gone and everyone was so happy, exchanging proud words to the eldest of the group.

minho was also so very happy now that his mum had finally quit her down-grading job after being accepted into a university course for retail marking and she found a better job closer to their home.

life was just doing him so many favours.

now, friday afternoon, minho began his shift about an hour beforehand and was now getting a head start on the pickup orders at the flower shop since it was a very quiet night.

he was in an extremely good mood after he got his test results back and passed all of his classes, he also woke up to his mum making him breakfast and now it was a quiet night shift.

what could honestly be better?

he had this song stuck in his head so he was humming it to himself as he gathered flowers to make the bouquets and flower bundles.

dahyun was working when he came in but she left soon after he got there, leaving him alone in he store.

now, an hour into his five hour shift, he was having a blast.

and as he was humming his heart out, his body began to move without him realising.

then sooner than later, he was practically dancing around the back of the store.

he was out with the fairies.

well that's what the person thought, as he walked into the store, anyway.

chan's mum had literally begged him to go in tonight and work instead of her.

he agreed almost straight away but she continued to beg until he walked out of the house.

he walked in through the back so the bell, meaning that someone just came in, didn't ring.

and then as chan walked in, he was met with the back of minho's dancing figure.

and after a moment of confusion, disbelief and amusement, chan began to feel bad and decided he should address his presence in the room.

so, he did what any normal human being would do, and clear his throat.

and as soon as the sound was made, minho jumped five feet in the air and spun around quickly, his eyes widened and mouth agape.

"jesus christ! you- you scared the shit out of me!" minho exclaimed as he held his chest above his heart.

chan smirked.

"you're not too bad at singing and dancing, i must say." chan hummed out as he walked around the room to put his stuff down.

minho blushed and was quick to turn around and go back to what he was doing.

after a moment of silence between the two boys, minho spoke up.

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