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just a small warning english isn't my first language so if there is any typos please don't get mad and just tell me where and I'll make sure to get right to it!!

also there is going to be smut and angst but a happy ending I think so yeah
There might be slight spoilers for the manga whenever certain characters might interact with y/s (yourself) .
That's all :)

Update August 7th: you guys forget I literally come from Ao3 because its too hard to post on there 😵⁉️ Like wdym theres no tagging or description for every chapter here 😢
Also sorry for making the newest chapter 4k+ words like I said I come from Ao3

Update August 10th: Trust me I know how sad some of you guys are because there isnt any smut yet but TRUST me on the next one. Next update Ill be posting 2 chapters, one that continues the plot and you'll see the 2nd upload will be (🤫😅) So for now I uploaded two chapters that follow the storyline so far, cause you know everything is organized into a plot I have going on!! Also thank you guys so much for over 100 reads its means so much to me ily guys!🫶

Update August 21st: I start school soon so for the next days there won't be an update because I'll prewrite the entire thing like every chapter I got in mind to write, so that when I'm like a day or two away from going to school I can post either the entire thing or in pieces, but yeah that's all I have to say!!

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