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"Hey Tecchou! Keep up!" I yelled as Tecchou tried to run but looked tired and Sick "Sorry" Tecchou replied starting to try to run while Kenji tried to stop him and Make him slow down.

Just then a Hoard of Zombies Rush over to Us As we all Started to run I realised I wouldn't be attacked since I was part Zombie so I Grabbed Aya Bram and sigma and ran into a House with my super hearing their were no Zombies I knew Kenji would take Tecchou and run
I Heard

only Kenji crying "What Happened!" I yelled grabbing onto Kenjis shoulders "he's Gone." Kenji Cried As Aya Started to cry  "your Lying I need to go check!" I yelled as I rushed outside only to see the hoard of zombies gone and Tecchou's Little Teddy Keychain a Kid Bellow us gave him On the floor covered in blood.

" Kenji Cried As Aya Started to cry  "your Lying I need to go check!" I yelled as I rushed outside only to see the hoard of zombies gone and Tecchou's Little Teddy Keychain a Kid Bellow us gave him On the floor covered in blood

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Death do us Part ~Jouno x Tecchou~Where stories live. Discover now