Part two of 1982

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Appariting was never and will never be a pleasant feeling especially for Remus at this moment having drunk half a liquor isle in the past two days was not a good mix that came with the natural nausea of apparition

Hunching over he held his stomach that emptied out the toast he previously ate , dry heaving for abit while Minerva stood patiently patting his back while rolling her eyes

"See what happens when you drink too much"

She added sarcastically as if he was an irresponsible teenager that had come home from a party which has happened once when the boys where to scared to go back to Potter Manor to face Euphemia Potter and explain why they were smashed at two in the morning on a Thursday winter break sixth year

"Like you've never been drunk before" He replies grumpily

Remembering when his other adoptive mother told him stories of when Minerva was in Hogwarts , the Scottish women was quite rebellious in her schooling days. As Remus stood up straight a presence came from the entrance of the school

"Look at that Lupin actually came out of his hole"

"Serveus don't start" Minerva responded

"Yeah I did and look at you, does it take a war to end for you to use shampoo on that hair of yours ?"

Remus snapped back as the pair glared at each other making the elder women roll her eyes once again but in annoyance

"Let's go you two" She muttered

The trio made their way to hospital wing quietly , a stiff and awkward atmosphere until Serveus broke it clearing his throat before speaking

"Sorry for your losses"

"Thank you , sorry for yours as well" Remus replied

Serveus and Lilly had reconciled last year of Hogwarts when they both joined the order, the Marauders had also called a truce although it never stopped the bickering and snarky comments they threw at each other in meetings

The witch smiled lightly to herself as she opened the doors to the infirmary, Remus had stopped breathing for a minute as he saw a fussy Harry in Poppy's arms refusing to fed

'She looks tired' He noted

He quickly made his way over to Poppy who eyes lit up seeing her son for the first time in while, Remus smiled at his other mother a women who took great pride in caring for others he loved the elder women to bits

The chestnut haired man looked down to his nephew who grumpily whining wiggling around, crying for his mom and dad no doubt, Remus was sure if the boy could talk he'd cry out for them probably wondering where his mother's warmth had gone and why he no longer heard his dad's voice

He understood he missed them too he also wanted to cry and hug them again, say how miserable his life had become when his best friends weren't in it. Tell them that he found everything dull without them being there to make it bright again

'The two balls of sunshine' is what Remus would always call them , they made everything bright and warm , they made everywhere and anywhere home.

"Here let me take him" he mumbled

Poppy carefully placed Harry into her sons arms, the little human froze for minute opening his mother's eyes looking at his uncle his little brain recognizing something about the person who held him

"Hey pups...I missed you" he whispered sadly

Harry just let out an confused coo making Remus have the smallest smile on his face

"You've been giving Poppy trouble haven't ya ?"

He gestured for Poppy to give him the bottle still in her hand

"I know miss them bud but it's just us from now on"

Harry finally being distracted enough to take the bottle while his uncle mumble comforting words that sounded like he was comforting the boy and himself

Poppy had gone to stand next to her wife as smiled at her son be so gentle with Harry despite going through so much in his life, he was still so soft hearted towards the ones he loved both women admired their son while Serveus stood awkwardly next to them

That was what Dumbledore walked in on, Serveus noticed him first he gestured for the young man to leave the raven haired man quickly left the room his robes swished behind him. The movement caught the two women's attention

"Seems your right Minerva, Mr Lupin is quite good with the boy"

The old man's voice made Remus look up to the headmaster of the school before furrowing his eyebrows in confusion

"Of course I'm right Albus" Minerva stated

Poppy rolled her eyes , her wife was a smart women for sure but did she really need that ego she only showed those close to her to be bigger.

"Right about what ?" asked Remus

"Everything" the professor stated cockily

Only for her partner playfully hit on the arm and send her an annoyed looked, the pair turned two each other having what seemed to be a telepathic conversation too the two men in the room

"Right well, Minerva suggested of you taking care of young Potter"

Dumbledore brushed off the interaction focusing on the matter of hand, when Remus processed the words in his head his eyes widened mouth opening in shock

'Me raise Harry, me raise a child' He thought

"I- I couldn't I never even babysat Harry by myself" Remus panicked

He carefully shuffled Harry in arms the boy had fell asleep so he tried to keep his voice down as his eyes darted in a panic from the three adults in the room to the sleeping child

"I mean look at me what if I drop him !? That's quite the fall for the kid"

Remus whisper shouted at them, Minerva looked at her son amused letting out a snort when she tried hold in her laugh. Poppy stared at her son concerned the boy was doubting himself once again

"I have no parental skills none-"

"Alright then I suppose we can send him to the Dursleys then"

The headmaster waved his hand dismissively

"Dursleys ?" Remus asked

"No they're retched people Albus" Minerva exclaimed

"Harry should be with family should he not?"

At this statement Remus remembered Lilly's sister he then scowled none of the interactions he had with the women were pleasant , her being blatantly racist to James and being nothing but rude to Lilly's friends for being magic he couldn't imagine what kind of man she must of married someone similar to her most likely he couldn't let Harry go there

He wished so dearly for Fleamont and Euphemia to be here , they sadly passed away during Lilly's pregnancy they fought in the war too, kind and generous people like them were fitting to raise Harry not Remus who had forgot about him

They weren't here though, no one who could was here. He thought about the Longbottom's family who'd just had their own little boy it would be unfair to ask them even though they would say yes without care, Mary she would've jumped at the chance to raise her nephew but was no longer apart of the wizarding world

"I'm more family than them" Remus stated

He looked at Dumbledore furiously, If Harry had a better option Remus would send him away a better option than leaving with in cottage in the middle of nowhere with an adult who had no clue what he was gonna do

Remus looked at Harry once again, he owed a lot to James raising Harry in a safe home would be his thank you to James, he can always learn to be a good parent especially for Harry.

[ The real story starts here ]

Hope it was a good read.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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