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DayVon Bennett

I didn't care if I got an e-ticket to my baby about being born during all this drama just want to settle all things with Coi. Some things shouldn't be brought up with the kids around and Jr doesn't need to hate his mother because she was selfish in her ways the alone close thing he has for a mother is Dream.

"Here baby calms down we're on our way," I said kissing her cheek.

"It's hurt so bad"Dream says wiping her tears.

"I now wish I could take all this pain away," I said rubbing her back this was the hardest for me seeing Dream cry like this.

"Ma gets the bags out of the truck for me, "I said parking at the hospital and walking to the other car door opened helped Dream out.

"Naw can't believe about having girl version of you, "Durk says.

"Yea I'm sacred raising a girl," I said.

"But not cause you to have great women by your side," Booka says.

"Okay looks like time for Mama to push, "The doctor says me and my mother the only that stayed with Dream while the others waited.

Dream Robinson

"Alright mama it's time to push," Doctor says Von grabbed my hand holding onto it as pushed just kept feeling everyone around me keep going this was the best part of my life right here having my man and baby on the way even though we went through rough times but I Lost Love but again it back.

"There goes her head," Doctor says I just push then heard my baby girl cry tears fell from my eyes Von went cut the cord and she played the baby on me.

"She so pretty," I said.

"Man my baby beautiful ma bring Jr in," Von says everyone walked in Von picked up Jr he looked at the baby doing lil smile yea they gonna be bad together.

"Listen I want to say something to Dream, we have been through a lot this past year but you stay right beside me even though I left you during your hardest time. We all go through our problems but Dream baby you have been the biggest supporter and lover to me but won't say would you marry me Dream?"Von kneeled one knee in front of me with the biggest diamond ring.

"Yes," I said kissing him.

"Congratulations," Everyone says.

The End

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