Orange 🟠

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Chen, a member of the popular K-pop group EXO, was known for his infectious smile and incredible talent. However, he had a little-known secret: he was allergic to oranges. Unfortunately, during a fan signing event, Chen accidentally consumed a drink containing orange juice, and his allergy began to take effect. He started feeling a rumble in his stomach, and panic set in as he realized he urgently needed a bathroom.

To his dismay, there were no restrooms nearby, and Chen could feel his discomfort escalating by the second. Fans surrounded him, eagerly waiting for his autograph and hoping for a moment to interact with their beloved idol. Chen's mind raced with embarrassment and anxiety. He didn't want to let his fans down, but he also couldn't ignore his body's urgent needs.

Just when Chen was about to make a desperate attempt to find a bathroom, a kind-hearted girl named Riana caught sight of his distress. Riana was visually impaired but possessed a remarkable ability to perceive situations through her other senses. She approached Chen, noticing his discomfort and the sweat forming on his forehead.

"Are you okay?" Riana asked, her voice filled with concern.

Chen managed a weak smile, trying to hide his discomfort. "I'm... I'm fine. Just feeling a little unwell."

Riana, sensing his hesitation, gently offered her assistance. "I have an Airbnb nearby. Would you like to come with me? You can use the bathroom there."

Chen's eyes widened with relief. He couldn't believe his luck. "Are you serious? That would be a lifesaver!"

Riana nodded and led Chen towards her Airbnb. As they walked, Chen couldn't help but notice Riana's white cane, which she skillfully used to navigate the streets. He marveled at her independence and strength, despite her visual impairment.

Upon reaching Riana's Airbnb, Chen rushed to the bathroom, grateful for the much-needed relief. When he emerged, feeling immensely better, Riana offered him a warm smile.

"You're welcome," she said softly. "I'm glad I could help."

Chen's gratitude overflowed, and he felt a deep desire to repay Riana's kindness. He discovered that she was saving up to buy an iPad to assist her in her studies and daily life. Determined to show his appreciation, Chen decided to help her achieve her goal.

"Riana, I know you don't want me to pay you for using your Airbnb, but I really want to do something for you," Chen said earnestly. "I want to contribute towards your iPad fund. It's the least I can do."

Riana's eyes widened, and she hesitated for a moment. She had always been a fiercely independent person and was unused to receiving help from others. However, she recognized Chen's sincerity and understood that he genuinely wanted to express his gratitude.

After a brief pause, Riana nodded, her voice filled with emotion. "Thank you, Chen. Your support means a lot to me. I'll accept your help, but only if you promise to keep in touch and let me know how you're doing."

Chen smiled warmly, touched by Riana's genuine concern. "Deal. I'll keep you updated on my well-being, and you can update me on your progress towards the iPad. We'll support each other."

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