Chapter 3: Unleashing a Terrifying Aura - Second Thoughts?

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Chapter 3: Unleashing a Terrifying Aura - Second Thoughts?

At that moment, Li Yuan's face flushed red as he desperately clutched Chen Mo's right hand, his legs kicking and struggling relentlessly. His eyes bulged with fear, and the imminent sense of death consumed his mind as he gazed into Chen Mo's eyes, brimming with a chilling intent to kill.

Li Yuan let out pained pleas of "please...forgive me" repeatedly, while his body writhed in agony.

"Wang Luyao, is Chen Mo out of his mind?!" exclaimed Wang Luyao, who stood beside them, in shock. This ferocious and violent side of Chen Mo was completely foreign to her. In her perception, Chen Mo had always been a kind and honest person. This sudden transformation left her questioning if he was truly the same individual.

Onlookers and security guards were equally taken aback by Chen Mo's terrifying demeanor, sending shivers down their spines. They felt, for the first time, the true essence of murderous intent emanating from one person's eyes. Even the most notorious criminals couldn't match this level of malevolence.

The elderly security guard, who had once been a soldier, trembled with unease. He had witnessed such a murderous aura only in the eyes of his former commanding officer. This level of intensity was unparalleled.

"Stop!" Wang Luyao, realizing the indifference of the surrounding volunteers, rushed forward anxiously. She attempted to pry Chen Mo away, but he stood firm like an immovable statue, unresponsive to her efforts.

The awakened dark pattern on Chen Mo's body continued to grow stronger, altering his physical capabilities. Now, even facing special forces, his physical fitness posed no challenge. Gradually, the murderous intent in Chen Mo's eyes subsided.

As he released his grip on the pale-faced Li Yuan, who teetered on the edge of death, Chen Mo slowly let go. He stared at Li Yuan with a captivating smile, leaning in and whispering in his ear, "Consider yourself lucky. The world hasn't ended yet, or else you would be dead."

Li Yuan's eyes widened with horror, and he shook his head vehemently, briefly losing consciousness. With two days remaining, Chen Mo didn't want to be hindered by trivial matters. He rose from the ground and cast an indifferent gaze toward Wang Luyao, who wore a volunteer uniform.

"By the Mother, everyone becomes a burden in these final days," Chen Mo thought silently. Without uttering another word, he turned his back to the stunned onlookers and walked away.

Wang Luyao, overwhelmed by Chen Mo's murderous aura and unfamiliar demeanor, stood rooted to the ground, trembling and foaming at the mouth, her delicate body seized by spasms.

Li Yuan experienced an inexplicable sense of regret, wondering if he had played a part in Chen Mo's transformation. However, Wang Luyao quickly regained her composure, her beautiful eyes filled with unwavering determination. Having endured hardships herself, she understood the difficulty of surviving without financial stability. Ultimately, she realized that Chen Mo was not the best choice for her.

He wanted something she couldn't provide.

Hastily, Wang Luyao helped Li Yuan to his feet, glaring at the indifferent crowd, and chastised them. "What are you all standing around for? Call an ambulance!"

This incident left little impact on Chen Mo's heart. In the subsequent days, he visited a furniture factory and ordered a batch of iron gates. In the early stages of the apocalypse, when the transformed zombies were still relatively weak, even a wooden door could provide temporary protection against their assault. However, as time passed, these creatures grew more powerful, capable of collapsing entire floors. No matter how fortified a house might be, it would prove useless.

With fifteen years of experience, Chen Mo knew that even without supernatural abilities, ordinary zombies posed no threat to him. He sought to use the iron gates and windows to safeguard his food. Once the food came into contact with these otherworldly creatures, it would become inedible.

Entering the furniture factory, Chen Mo encountered a burly man in overalls with a blackened face, wiping sweat from his brow. The man jested with a smile, "Young man, are you planning to build a fortress? Such a tight-knit family."

Chen Mo responded with a smile, "Recently, there have been many thieves in the community. If I tighten security, they'll think twice before trying anything."

The man nodded, clapped his hands, and assured Chen Mo, "You've come to the right place. Our quality is excellent, and our prices are affordable. All the top brands collaborate with us! You've made the perfect choice by coming to the original factory for wholesale. Haha!"

As Chen Mo glanced at the gigantic rumbling machines in the factory, he realized that it would indeed serve as a secure sanctuary. As long as there was enough food, it would suffice to survive the initial stage of the apocalypse.

"I'm in a hurry. I need them today," Chen Mo stated.

The man, taken aback by the urgency, pondered for a moment before responding, "It can be done. The shape may not be precisely as you want, but it will suffice."

Chen Mo replied, "That's enough for me."

"How much?" the man asked, grinning honestly.

"14970. I'll give you a discount, bringing it down to 13000. Cash on delivery," Chen Mo offered. "After all, we don't need it to be too precise. It'll save a lot of effort!"

Just then, the orange cat that Chen Mo had been holding let out a brief meow, resting for a moment before emitting another sharp cry.

Curiously glancing at the cat, Chen Mo inquired, "Do you have an iron cage here?"

"Iron cage?" The man peered at the cat in Chen Mo's hand, wearing a perplexed expression. He replied, "I'm not sure, but we do have some scrap iron rods. With the right tools, they could be cut and welded to create an iron cage."

After acquiring the necessary supplies, Chen Mo returned to his rental accommodation, carrying an iron cage in his hand. The orange cat inside seemed restless.

Opening the door with his key, Chen Mo casually placed the iron cage in the sunlight. Observing the orange cat grinning back at him from within the cage, he offered an indifferent smile.

"Stay put. I need a place to store the food I've collected in this rented house," Chen Mo muttered to himself, aware of the limited space. His residence, spanning sixty to seventy square meters on the fifth floor, was not particularly large.

Neatly arranging the supplies on either side, Chen Mo realized that they occupied more than half of the available space. Water, compressed biscuits, bread, frozen food—enough to last four to five months, or even longer with frugal consumption.

"It's nearly complete," Chen Mo murmured, glancing at his hands. The dark lines on his skin had become more distinct, signaling the awakening of his dormant powers. However, he knew better than to awaken them on the day of the apocalypse. The initial awakening of supernatural abilities marked their weakest state. If he activated his B-level ability, Mental Disturbance, he would be weakened for three days. The adjustment period to supernatural powers varied among individuals, ranging from a few hours to several months, depending on their physique.

Busy until nightfall, Chen Mo finally found a moment to sit down and rest. Just as he was about to relax, his phone vibrated abruptly, emitting a distinctive "Om-oom-oom" sound.

His phone? End Times; Mythology...

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