Chapter 8 Conquering Qiongqi: The Last Day Before the End of the World!

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Chapter 8 Conquering Qiongqi: The Last Day Before the End of the World!

On the other side, Chen Mo had a substantial amount of money left. It was a rare indulgence as he enjoyed a luxurious meal. This dinner alone cost him over 40,000 yuan. After the satisfying feast, he treated himself to a deluxe massage service worth 18,888 yuan. Feeling content, he returned home and began organizing the purchased supplies, which made his rental house feel more cramped and crowded. It was as if he sensed what was about to come.

The orange cat inside the iron cage grew restless, continuously pawing and scratching against the cage, creating a harsh noise. Chen Mo casually tore open a bag of cat food and placed it in a bowl. As he opened the top of the iron cage, the orange cat let out a piercing cry and reached out towards his hand. Chen Mo narrowed his eyes.

With a twist, the iron cage contorted and transformed into a liquid-like state. In an instant, the orange cat was confined within the middle. Chen Mo spoke calmly, "You've been misbehaving, even refusing to eat regular cat food." He glanced at the orange cat's disdainful attitude towards the food. Recalling its fondness for duck leg rice, he added, "Oh? Do you prefer this instead?"

Noticing the orange cat's interest, Chen Mo opened the refrigerator and took out the beef, tightly packed with no room for anything else. Without bothering to thaw it, he tossed it into the cage. "How about this? Would you like to eat it?" The orange cat fixed its gaze on the beef inside the cage, drooling from its mouth.

Amused by the scene, Chen Mo watched as the orange cat's attitude changed. The cage, which had been reinforced with his dominance ability, was sturdy, yet the cat managed to leave bite marks on it. Impressed, Chen Mo observed its sharp teeth crushing the frozen beef with ease. He noticed the orange cat's eye-catching behavior and its ability to distinguish the quality of food.

Chen Mo decided to offer a piece of bread and began nibbling on it himself. Curious, he asked, "Can you understand me?" The orange cat paused momentarily, and Chen Mo continued, "They say animals can predict impending danger better than humans. I believe you've sensed something too, right?" He inquired if the cat wanted to be freed from the cage, and the orange cat, displaying human-like eye movements, appeared to be contemplating the offer.

After a while, the orange cat crawled on the ground, lowered its head, and emitted a soft meow. Satisfied with the response, Chen Mo nodded approvingly. With his right hand, he solidified the liquid cage, transforming it into a strong collar that he placed around the orange cat's neck. He warned the cat not to attempt escape, and the orange cat responded with a meow, jumping onto Chen Mo's bed and rubbing against him affectionately.

Witnessing the success, Chen Mo couldn't help but feel excited. He understood that this orange cat would possess extraordinary abilities in the future. It would replace the slain god of Tianhai City, Shouxi God. With his rebirth, everything had changed.

Gently stroking the orange cat by his side, Chen Mo whispered, "Tomorrow is the day the world will end completely. Follow me, and I will restore your name as 'Qiongqi'." He then turned his attention to his phone, which displayed a photo of a handsome and arrogant-looking young man named Lin Shu. The profile information revealed that he was the President of Tianhai Xinhuang Group, aged 23, with an impressive background.

Chen Mo harbored deep-seated hatred towards Lin Shu. He had deliberately left him until the last day to settle the score. Tomorrow would mark the end of all past grievances, and it was only the beginning. The true abhorrent god, who had caused countless deaths, would be the one Chen Mo ultimately sought to exterminate.

One day later, on November 23, 2049, at 10:00 AM, Chen Mo took the orange cat and set off towards Xinhuang Group, armed with the Taidao he acquired from Luo Tianxiong. Before leaving, he had his final breakfast of soy milk and fritters. He hailed a taxi and headed towards the heart of Tianhai City.

Upon arriving at Xinhuang Group, a bustling area filled with high-rise buildings and luxury cars, Chen Mo stepped out of the taxi. Amidst a sea of white-collar and blue-collar workers, his washed gray coat stood out, as did the orange cat by his side with its iron collar. As he gazed at the entrance of Xinhuang Group, he proceeded forward.

"Ding!" The door opened, followed by a scolding voice from the security personnel. They sternly questioned Chen Mo's presence, expressing their displeasure. Chen Mo remained calm and unaffected by the onlookers' gazes. He calmly stated, "Is Lin Shu here?" The security guard frowned and inquired about his purpose.

When Chen Mo revealed that he needed to address some matters with Mr. Lin, the security personnel scoffed at him, judging him based on his shabby appearance. They emphasized the requirement of a work card to enter Xinhuang Group. However, Chen Mo wore a bright smile, undeterred by their remarks. "It doesn't matter who I am. If I need to enter Xinhuang Group, I will find a way."

End Times: Mythology...

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