Chapter five: "Home" Again

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The next week looked like it was sped up like a film.

Anny and Cedric were with each other almost every minute, which gave her a feeling she had never actually had. Just the feeling that she had friends.

More people seemed to notice her now too, because she was with Cedric, who was known by very many people.

As for the lessons, they got more complicated everyday.

She spent whole evenings making the extra homework she was given, plus the homework she already had, it was killing.

Luckily, Anny was almost always helped by Cedric, who was four years higher then Anny, and knew almost everything.

The seemed to teachers find Anny one of the best students, because they kept giving points to Hufflepuff for Anny knowing the answer.

McGonagall had even said she was proud of her for the transfiguration tip to Cedric, and gave her ten points to that.

But of course, not everything was bright.

On the next Saturday, Anny found her owl Connor dropping a letter from her brother, Matthew.

Anny opened it, and began to read:

Dear Anny,

I've heard about your tip to Cedric Diggory in the first task,

And i'm so proud of you!

I've got to tell you something, I've done something stupid.

I didn't mean to, and it just happened...

Your mother wasn't pleased I let you to Hogwarts.

At first I made up a story that you were with a friend of yours, because that friend "had tickets for a really cool film" And that you wanted to be there for a while. Well, she found out about it.

At first she... only shouted at me.

But then, she broke it.

She broke my wand.

She said that it was nonsense, and that I had to be normal, she really freaked out there.

And... I was angry, I hope you can see why.

I sort of... well, the house... it blew up.

It was uncontrolled, I didn't know what I had done, and if I even had done it.

But mom got injured, She's in the hospital.

But perhaps she thought that it was the moment.

She told me that she isn't really our mother.

And that she was jealous.

Of course I have told you it earlier, but it was only what I thought.

But, I wanted to say that she hasn't got very long to live.

And if you want, and can, you can come home and visit the hospital for one last time.

I hope you are well.

Love, Matthew

When Anny noticed that she was crying, she wiped away the tears and stuffed the letter in her bag. It was time to go home again.

"Cedric," She said to Cedric who sat next to her.

He looked up.

"I have got to go home for a few days, if Dumbledore will let me, because my... mom got injured and she hasn't got a long time... so... i'll see you in a few days." Anny said.

Cedric didn't say anything, but just gave her a hug as Anny left.

Now, a few days later, Anny stood in what once had been her house.

Yesterday she had visited her mother in the hospital, but they hadn't talked much. Her mother had only looked her in the eyes and smiled while Anny told about Hogwarts.

Matthew had cleaned most of the things up already, but it wasn't home anymore. It wasn't what it used to be when Anny grew up, when she had read about the stars and looked out of the window every night, wondering why the world was so unfair. Not knowing whether she could ever know how happy felt.

Anny looked around the room, the room where she had never been, because if she got near, she would be punched in the face or shouted at.

It was her "mom's" old room.

The only things that were still there were her desk and a mirror, that was smashed in five pieces.

She noticed that there lay letters on the desk that were never opened.

Anny picked up the letters and looked to whom they were addressed.

To Lily Black, for when she will go to Hogwarts.

To Lily Black, for when she finishes Hogwarts.

To Lily Black's husband.

There was also a letter from someone else, which it was opened already.

To Padfoot

Who was Padfoot?

As curious as Anny was, she got the letter that was inside, and began to read.

Hello Padfoot,

It's a boy!

Lily and I have called him Harry James Potter, after me.

I hope you can soon come and visit, then you can see him.

I hope you are well,


Harry James Potter...

But that's...

Anny stuffed the letter in her bag, as she did with the ones for "Lily".

All those letters had to do something with each other, and Anny wanted to give Harry the letter written by his parents.

She decided to look in the drawers of the desk, hoping to see more of the letters, and there it was.

Anny's acceptance letter.

But it wasn't one. There were two.

Anny got these with her and then looked at her watch.

She only had four minutes to use the portkey, and she decided to go.

When she walked past the broken mirror, se decided to mend it with her wand, and then hurried down to the portkey.

Away from her youth, into her new life at Hogwarts.

Her new home.

Alohomora ~ A Harry Potter Fanfiction Based on The Goblet of FireWhere stories live. Discover now