Chapter eleven: The second task

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"Has this something to do with Hogsmeade?" Anny asked as she walked in, not looking at anything else then McGonagall.

"No, Mrs. Black, Is there anything you wish to tell me?" McGonagall asked with a little laugh on her face. 

There was someone else sniffling too, someone Anny hadn't seen yet. She looked around and saw that it had been Ron Weasley, who was standing next to Hermione Granger, who gave her a little nod. There were a few seconds of silence, before Hermione said: "I don't wish to be rude or anything... but, Why are we here, Professor?"

"I will tell you in a minute, Miss Granger."

Then a blonde haired French girl came in, who looked no older than nine.

"Ah, there you are Miss Delacour. OK, for the second task, of the Triwizard Tournament," Said McGonagall, on which Ron and Hermione looked at each other with a exiting look. "There will be taken treasures from the four champions. These will be placed deep in the Black Lake, for them to rescue. They have one hour to find the treasures and return to the surface, and whoever comes first, will get the most points."

"Er, but Professor McGonagall, why aren't you telling the champions instead of us?" Ron asked, Hermione looking at him as though he had just said the dumbest thing on earth. 

"Their treasures are their friends, which are you, I suppose." McGonagall said. "Therefore you will be put in an enchanted sleep, which I will do now. Any questions?" 

No one answered, so McGonagall assumed that there were no more questions and got her wand out of her robes. 

"This won't hurt a bit, so we'll see you tomorrow on the surface."

"If Harry knows how to find us." Ron whispered to Hermione, on which she nodded nervously. McGonagall muttered an incantation that Anny couldn't hear, and Anny saw the blonde girl falling asleep, her head lolling against her chest.

Then she got to Hermione, who fell asleep as soon as McGonagall had muttered the incantation again. After that came Anny.

As McGonagall tapped her three times, Anny felt her eyelids become very heavy, and she fell asleep in a second, where she dreamed about mermaids and dragons...

Anny heard the crowd cheering and clapping as she tried to catch breath. As soon as she could breath, she opened her eyes and saw Cedric right beside her, pulling her towards the stands in the Black Lake.

Anny swam the last part on her own, as Cedric was on the platform already. People started handing her towels and congratulating Cedric, who walked right before her.

"Cedric, you did it!" Anny said, while Cedric was turning around and gave him a huge hug. They were both sodden with water, but it didn't matter, because no other champions had returned, which meant that Cedric had been first.

As soon as Anny wanted to say something to Cedric, he was taken apart by many other people, all congratulating him on his performance with the bubble-head charm. Apparently Cedric had found the charm too, and had learned it very quickly, because Anny had first promised him to help that night. A few minutes past, when Viktor Krum got out of the water too, pulling Hermione with him.

"HERMIONE! You're alright!" Anny shouted, and as soon as she got out, Anny gave her all her towels. Hermione smiled and took her in a hug. "Is Harry back already?" she asked.

"No, he isn't, I hope they are OK though..." Anny said, watching the water every single second.


"I mean Ron and Harry, you know what I mean."

Hermione laughed, on which Anny laughed too. But after a few more minutes, they both seemed to become more anxious. Why had he taken so long?

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