Chapter 14:Close Call

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"An Alliance fleet has just exited lightspeed. They are heading for us", said Raelin. "Did you inform them about the growth?" asked Pyros. "Yes. They want to inspect it from a closer distance", Heogarma replied.

The fleet flew closer, and the flagship drew them in with its tractor beam. They were escorted to the command room, where Captain Kollves was waiting for them.

"Thank you for coming, captain. We would not have lasted long otherwise", Pyros said. "It's good to have you back. But where are Durian and two of Arlen's guards?" the captain replied. "They were killed by the uriaks. Our ship was destroyed, and this one suffered severe damage to its lightspeed drive. As Raelin and Heogarma told you, we passed by a strange growth. We damaged it, but it will have recovered by now. We need to destroy it before it is too large", said Deila. "Alright. If we can", Kollves replied.

The three Alliance cruisers and the 5 frigates and corvettes flew to the edges of Xaraeon's orbit. Captain Kollves observed the growth with morbid fascination. Of the 648 star fighters, 432 went down to the surface, while the capital ships stayed in the rear, protected by the remaining 216. As the 432 entered the atmosphere, they were immediately attacked by winged uriaks. The cruisers targeted the growth, and the smaller capital ships supported the star fighters with artillery fire.

Of the 432 fighters, 390 made it to the growth, the rest taken down by the winged uriaks. The barrage went on for over an hour, dealing significant damage to the growth, but the winged uriaks and the growth itself dealt heavy losses to the Alliance fleet, leaving just over 200 fighters in the atmosphere. Then, parts of the growth detached, and shot toward the capital ships. Vines and etheron balls launched out, taking out some of the support ships, and a vine wrapped around a frigate, but the nearby ships destroyed the vine and its launcher. But the uriaks kept coming.

"We must retreat now while we still can. All ships, return to the fleet immediately!" Captain Kollves ordered. Within minutes, the surviving warships returned to the relative safety of outer space, and retreated to lightspeed, leaving the growth behind.

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The survivors were given medical treatment as the fleet traveled to Sarzan. It was there, and in the surrounding areas, that most of the Uriak forces were roaming.

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